The following officers are retiring from Govt. service on superannuation on 31/10/2010.
1. Shri Y. P. Salve, SSPOs, Ahmednagar Division, Ahmednagar.
2. Shri S. S. Nampalliwar, Sr. Postmaster, Mahim HO, Mumbai 400 016.
This Association wish them happy and healthy retired life.
Transfer in PS Gr. B cadre ... Mumbai Region.
Today (29/10/2010) vide memo MR/STA/6-2/2010 PMG Mumbai Region has issued transfer / posting order of following officers in PS Gr. B cadre.
1. Shri A. R. Pund, Sr. PM, Satara HO (designate SPOs, Thane Central Division) transferred and posted as Sr. PM, Mahim HO, Mumbai 400016 vice Shri S. S. Nampalliwar retiring on superannuation on 31/10/2010.
2. Shri R. P. Dhake, Supdt. PSD, Mumbai transferred and posted as SPOs, Thane Central Division vice Shri A. R. Pund, posted as Sr. PM, Mahim HO.
3. Shri N. S. Shende, Supdt. RSD, Mumbai 400 012 transferred and posted as Supdt. PSD, Mumbai 400 001. vice Shri R. P. Dhake, transferred.
4. Shri M. S. Ahirrao, ASP Nashik East Sub Division promoted and posted as Supdt. RSD, Mumbai 400 012 vice Shri N. S. Shede transferred.
Note : Following posts would be vacant on 31/10/2010.
1. Sr.PM, Satara HO, Satara - 415 001.
2. Sr.PM, Pune HO, Pune 411 001.
3. Sr. PM, Panaji HO, Panaji 403 001.
3. Sr. PM, Panaji HO, Panaji 403 001.
This Association has requested the administration to fill up these posts immediately as per the seniority and by considering the willingness of the officers. The orders will be issued after 3/11/2010.
In the month of November, 2010 there is no retirement either in PS Gr. B cadre of Gr. A Cadre.
Allocation of Direct Recruit IPs (SSC Exam.2008)
Directorate vide memo No. 7-26/2010-SPB-II dated 27/10/2010 made an allocation of 270 candidates for appointment as IPs in the Department of Posts on the basis of combined graduate level examination held in the year 2008.
The detailed list of successful candidate is available on web site Only three candidates are allotted to our Circle. This Association welcome to the new comers in this cadre.
The detailed list of successful candidate is available on web site Only three candidates are allotted to our Circle. This Association welcome to the new comers in this cadre.
News from CHQ.
1. Revision of Grade Pay for IP :
File is still pending in the Establishment Division of the Directorate. Recruitment Rules of Income Tax Officers in CBDT and Superintendents in CBEC are required for further processing the case. Members may please help the CHQ to procure the same so that it could be submitted to the Department.
File is still pending in the Establishment Division of the Directorate. Recruitment Rules of Income Tax Officers in CBDT and Superintendents in CBEC are required for further processing the case. Members may please help the CHQ to procure the same so that it could be submitted to the Department.
2. Result of PS Group B examination held in Feb. 2010 :
It is likely to be announced by the end of November 2010 or first week of December 2010.
3. PS Group 'B' DPC for the year 2010:
It is likely to be held in November 2010. Exact date of DPC is yet to be fixed.
4. Outsourcing of examinations:
It is likely to be finalized by January 2011. All examinations are likely to be conducted on objective type.
5. Revision of Honorarium of Invigilators for departmental examinations.
Case is under consideration by the department. Department is in the process of collecting information on amount being paid for invigilators by the SSC/UPSC. Information from the UPSC is awaited. Members may please help the CHQ to procure the rates being paid by SSC/UPSC so that it could be shared with the Department.
6. Revision of Fixed stationery charges for the Sub Division:
File is reported to be sent to Finance Ministry for concurrence.
Source : CHQ blog.Minutes of Bi-monthly Meeting ... Goa Region
Minutes of Bi-monthly meeting held with PMG, Goa Region on 27.8.2010 is reproduce below.
Item No. 1 : Officiating arrangement in Inspector Cadre.
Reply : In all 5 posts of IP(PG) are vacant and manned by ASP (HQ) and 1 (RMS) post is vacant, 6 posts are manned by officiating arrangement. The following posts are vacant i.e. IP (PG) Goa, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, BM Division Miraj, Sangli. In view of shortage in clerical cadre these posts cannot be filled.
Item No. 2 : Grant of MACP Scheme to IP / ASP cadre in Goa Region.
Reply : No specific orders are received with reference to IP/ASP cadre from CO. However, the concerned records have been called and will be done shortly.
Item No. 3 : Grant of Road mileage to IP / ASPs.
Reply : SPOs, Sindhudurg will be instructed to grant road mileage and clear all pending bills.
Next Bi-monthly schedued to be held on 29.10.2010 is postponed till further orders. It is learnt from RO Goa that, MACP Schemes orders for IP /ASP cadre have been issued and instructions to SPOs, Sindhudurg division was also issued to grant road mileage to IP / ASPs in the division.
Promotion in PS Gr. B cadre.
Shri B. H. Shaikh, Sr. Postmaster, Pune HO is promoted and posted as SSPO, Ahmednagar Division vice Shri Y.P.Salve retiring on 31/10/2010.
This Association congratulate the officer.
This Association congratulate the officer.
Minutes of Four Monthly Meeting.
Four Monthly Meeting with CPMG Mumbai held on 12/10/2010. The following items discussed in the meeting.
Item No. 1 : Grant of MACP Scheme to IP/ASP cadre.
Decision : The process is on and it is expected to be completed within the next two months.
Item No. 2 : Holding of DPC for promotion of Inspector cadre.
Decision : Action regarding DPC for promotion of IP to ASP cadre for the vacancies upto 31.12.2010 has been initiated and shall be completed within next two months.
Item No. 3 : Up-gradation of Chembur HO from HSG-( (IP Line) to PS Gr. B.
Decision : This issue has already been taken up with Directorate.
Item No. 1 : Grant of MACP Scheme to IP/ASP cadre.
Decision : The process is on and it is expected to be completed within the next two months.
Item No. 2 : Holding of DPC for promotion of Inspector cadre.
Decision : Action regarding DPC for promotion of IP to ASP cadre for the vacancies upto 31.12.2010 has been initiated and shall be completed within next two months.
Item No. 3 : Up-gradation of Chembur HO from HSG-( (IP Line) to PS Gr. B.
Decision : This issue has already been taken up with Directorate.
Transfer in SAG Cadre.
Shri Charles Lobo, Postmaster General (MM), o/o CPMG, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai transferred and posted as PMG, SK Region, Bangaluru (Karnatka). No posting order is received in respect of posts of PMG (MM) & PMG (Goa).
Bi-monthly / Four Monthly Meetings.
CWC Members and all members of the Association are requested to sent item/s for discussion in the Bi-monthly / Four Monthly Meetings with the concerned Regional PMG / CPMG. The item/s recieved from memebrs will be taken up with administration for enrollment in the agenda. Please sent the item/s to CS either over phone or through email. Bi-monthly meetings with PMG (MM) and PMG Nagpur will be held on 17/11/2010 and 25/11/2010 respectively.
Staff Voluntary Contributory Welfare Fund
Circle Office vide memo No. WLF/48-1/2009-2010 dated 27/9/2010 has requested to all DDOs to recover the subscription at the following rates from the salary of the willing officials / officers from their pay and allowances for the month of October, 2010 as subscription to "Staff Voluntary Contributory Welfare Fund".
1. Group 'A" and 'B" : Rs. 100.00 per annum.
2. Group 'C' (PA & Postmen) : Rs. 75.00 per annum.
3. Group 'D' and GDS : Rs. 50.00 per annum.
All members of IP / ASP Association in Mahrashtra Circle is requested to please give their willingness to respective DDOs to deduct the above said amount from pay and allowances for the month of October, 2010. This is Welfare activity run for the benefit of staff, and we have to support to such activities initiated by administration.
Training at Bankok.
Shri Ramesh A.Awatade, ASP, SPCC, Mumbai 400 099 selected for training programme on Express Mail Service at Acian Pacific College, Bankok from 8th November, 2010 to 26th November, 2010. The following Officers of other circles are also nominated for the said training.
1. Shri Ram Babu Sharma, Manager, SPC, Delhi.
2. Shri Biswanath Nag Chaudhary, Supdt. Kolkatta Stg., Koltatta.
3. Ms. M. Vijayalakshimi, Dy. Manager, SPCC, Chennai.
4. Shri Srinath, ASP, SPC, Hyderabad..
5. Ms. V.Tara, Manager, SPC, Bangluru.
Congratulation to all selected members and wish them a happy journey.
Willingness/unwillingness for ad-hoc promotion in PS Gr. B
Circle Office has already called willingness / unwillingness of 10 ASPs vide memo No. STA/6-2/2010/I dated 6/10/2010 to work in PS Gr. B cadre. The following 4 officers have yet to sent their willingness / unwillingness to work in PS Gr. B cadre any where in Maharashtra Circle. Members are requested to kindly sent their willingness / unwillingness to CO immediately, so that the orders for promotion on ad-hoc basis can be issued on time. As on date there is no vacancy in PS Gr. B cadre. As per Associations request, CO is agreed to keep the panel of selected officers ready for posting for future against vacancies.
1. Shri K. R. Korde, ASP (T), Pune MFL Division, Pune 411 042.
2. Shri A. N. Sushir, ASP (HQ), Mumbai City North Division, Mumbai-400 053
3. Shri. N. R. Shedge, Manager, MBC, Pune CSO, Pune- 411 030.
4. Shri A. K. Salokhe, ASP (T), Kolhapur Division, Kolhapur-416 001.
Promotion /Transfer / Posting /Repatriation in PS Gr. B cadre.
1. Shri S. G. Tadvi, Sr.PM, Dhule HO transferred and posted as ADPS, Aurangabad Region. .
2. Shri R. N. Salame, ASP, Chandrapur Sub Division promoted and posted as Supdt. Nanded Division.
3.Shri Y. V. Padavi, ASP Jalgaon Sub Division promoted and posted as Sr.PM, Aurangabad HO.
4. Shri B. P. Koli, ASP, Malegaon Sub Division promoted and posted as Sr.PM, Dhule HO.
5. Shri R. D. Dandge. Supdt. RSD, Nashik transferred and posted as Supdt. Dhule Division.
6.Shri N. V. Prakakshrao, Sr. Postmaster, Panaji HO transferred & posted as Sr. Postmaster, Secunderabad HO (Andra Pradesh). The vacant post will be filled up by Circle Office shortly.
7. Shri N. S. Wankhede, Dy. Director, Mumbai GPO transferred and posted as Sudpt. RSD, Nashik.
8. Shri U. M. Shahade, ADPS, Aurangabad transferred and posted as Sr. PM, Nagpur City HO.
2. Shri R. N. Salame, ASP, Chandrapur Sub Division promoted and posted as Supdt. Nanded Division.
3.Shri Y. V. Padavi, ASP Jalgaon Sub Division promoted and posted as Sr.PM, Aurangabad HO.
4. Shri B. P. Koli, ASP, Malegaon Sub Division promoted and posted as Sr.PM, Dhule HO.
5. Shri R. D. Dandge. Supdt. RSD, Nashik transferred and posted as Supdt. Dhule Division.
6.Shri N. V. Prakakshrao, Sr. Postmaster, Panaji HO transferred & posted as Sr. Postmaster, Secunderabad HO (Andra Pradesh). The vacant post will be filled up by Circle Office shortly.
7. Shri N. S. Wankhede, Dy. Director, Mumbai GPO transferred and posted as Sudpt. RSD, Nashik.
8. Shri U. M. Shahade, ADPS, Aurangabad transferred and posted as Sr. PM, Nagpur City HO.
MACP Scheme - Clarification
A copy of Directorate memo No.No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC Dated: 18th Oct, 2010 regarding DELAY AND IRREGULARITIES IN IMPLEMENTATION OF MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION SCHEME – CLARIFICATIONS is reproduced here in under.
I am directed to refer to this Directorate's OM dated 18 Sep, 2009 communicating the detailed guidelines for implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) and several other clarification issued on this subject.
2. The General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' has represented to the Secretary (Posts) alleging that the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) is being denied to eligible official in some Circles and sought the intervention of the Directorate in clarifying the position. The contentions of the General Secretary have been examined and the following clarifications are provided for guidance and strict observance.
Sl. No. | Point on which clarification sought | Status Position |
1 | Eligibility of MACPS to a direct recruited Postal Assistant conferred with TBOP – It has been represented that in some Circles the directly recruited Postal Assistants who were accorded financial upgradation under one time bound promotion scheme on completion of 16 years of satisfactory service are not being given the 2nd MACPS on the ground that the officials have not completed 10 years of service TBOP Scale/Grade with grade pay of Rs.2800. | Attention is drawn to Para No. 28 of Annexure-I to this office OM dated 18-09-2009. It is stated that a directly recruited Postal Assistant who got one financial upgradation under TBOP Scheme after rendering 16 years of service before 01.09.2008, will become eligible to 2nd MACP on completion of 20 years of continuous service from date of entry in Government service or 10 years service in TBOP grade pay or scale or combination of both, whichever is earlier, However, financial upgradation under MACPS cannot be conferred from a date prior to 01.09.2008 and such 2ndfinancial upgradation for the above referred category of officials has to be given from 01.09.2008. They will also become eligible for 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service or after rendering 10 years in 2nd MACP, whichever is earlier. |
2 | Eligibility of MACP to a directly recruited Postal Assistant having qualified in PO & RMS Accounts Examination and opted initially for defunct scale & later opted out of it & who have got financial upgradations under TBOP and BCR subsequently – The staff side has alleged that Postal Assistants who have qualified in PO & RMS examination who initially opted for defunct scale and later switched over to normal line and accorded financial upgradations under TBOP/BCR schemes are denied 3rd MACP construing that PO & RMS Accountants is 1st MACP and TBOP/BCR are off set against 2nd and 3rd MACP. | PO & RMS Accountants examination is a qualifying one and the Postal Assistants who have passed the examination are posted as Accountants with some special allowance. They will be continued in the cadre of Postal Assistants in the common gradation list. The PO & RMS Accountants who initially opted for defunct pay scale of Rs.380-620 and later switched over to normal line of promotion in PA cadre and given financial upgradations under TBOP/BCR Schemes will become eligible for 3rdMACP under MACPS provided that they have not earned any other regular promotion and subject to rendering of 30 years of continuous service from the date of entry in the PA grade or 10 years continuous service in the BCR grade, whichever is earlier. Denial of 3rd MACP on the said ground is not in order. |
3 | Eligibility of MACP to a promoted official to PA Cadre and having completed 10 years of service in PA cadre – It was stated by staff representatives that in some Circles, the officials who were promoted from the lower cadres to Postal Assistants and on completion of 10 years in the said Postal Assistant cadre are not considered for 2nd MACP on the plea that they have not completed 20 years of service from the date of entry in clerical cadre. | The attention of the Circle is drawn to Para No. 28 (A) (1) in the Annexure-I. In case of a lower grade official promoted to PA cadre, having got one promotion to PA cadre before completion of 10 years of continuous service, it will be off set against 1st MACP and on rendering 10 years continuing service in the clerical grade/scale or on completion of 20 years service from the date of entry would become eligible for 2nd MACP, whichever date is earlier. However, financial upgradation under MACPS cannot be conferred from a date prior to 01.09.2008 as the scheme became operational from this date only. |
4 | No. 4-Eligibility of MACP on completion of 30 years of service from date of entry as on 01.09.2008, declining regular promotion to LSG during 2009 and 2010 – The General Secretary intimated that certain officials who become eligible for 3rd MACP on 01.09.2008 are denied the same on the ground that they have declined the regular promotion to norm based LSG in 2009 and 2010. | The attention is drawn to para 25 of Annexure I to order on MACPS issued on 18.09.2009 providing that "if a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the employee before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation, no financial upgradation shall be allowed as such an employee has not stagnated due to lack of opportunities. If, however, financial upgradation has been allowed due to stagnation and the employees subsequently refuse the promotion, it shall not be a ground for withdrawal of the financial upgadation. He shall, however, not be eligible to be considered for further financial upgradation till he agrees to be considered for promotion and the second and the next financial upgradation shall also be deferred to the extent of period of debarment due to the refusal." Therefore, the issue raised is already covered under Para 25 and in such cases where due date of financial upgradation precedes the refusal for regular promotion, financial upgradation under MACPS shall be allowed. |
5 | Eligibility of MACP due on 01.09.2008 for officials due to currency of the penalty of recovery in consequence of disciplinary proceedings or disciplinary proceeding contemplated. The staff side represented that some Circle have not considered the cases of officials for MACP on the date of introduction on the pretext that the punishment of recovery from their pay is current or disciplinary proceedings contemplated at the time of screening of the officials by the Committees which were constituted for considering financial upgradation under MACPS | Para 18 of Annexure-I to OM dated 18.09.2009 provides that – "In the matter of disciplinary/penalty proceedings, grant of benefit under the MACPS shall be subject to rules governing normal promotion. Such cases shall, therefore, be regulated under the provisions of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and instructions issued there under." Attention of the Circle is drawn to Department of Personnel and Training Om No. 22011/2/78-Estt. (A) dated 16.02.1979 communicated in DGP&T letter no.35-1/79-SPB-II dated 07.05.79. According to these orders, the penalty of censure or recovery of pecuniary loss are not a bar for penalty for promotion if the findings of the DPC are in favour of the employee. Similarly, the officials who were facing disciplinary action as one the date of actual due date of their upgradation can only be not considered. |
3. The Circles are requested for bringing the above position to the notice of all Divisional Heads and concerned authorities for scrupulous observance and to avoid any grievance to the officials.
4. The limits for holding of Screening Committee as provided in Para 11 of this Directorate OM of even number dated 18.09.2009 may be strictly adhered to on concluding action of Scrutiny Committee ordered under letter of even number dated 01.09.2010.
5. This issues with the approval of competent Authority.
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Civil Services (Prelim) Exam - 2011
From Civil Service Examination 2011, Preliminary Examination would consist of two papers- Paper I and Paper II. The syllabus and pattern of the Preliminary Examination would be as under :
(Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hours.
· Current events of national and international importance
· History of India and Indian national movement
· Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
· Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
· Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
· General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that do n ot require subject specialization
· General science.
(Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hours
· Comprehension
· Interpersonal skills including communication skills
· Logical reasoning and analytical ability
· Decision making and problem solving
· General mental ability
· Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
· English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
It is requested to all young members to go for the said examination. Every thing is possible in this world.
(Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hours.
· Current events of national and international importance
· History of India and Indian national movement
· Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
· Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
· Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
· General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that do n ot require subject specialization
· General science.
(Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hours
· Comprehension
· Interpersonal skills including communication skills
· Logical reasoning and analytical ability
· Decision making and problem solving
· General mental ability
· Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
· English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
It is requested to all young members to go for the said examination. Every thing is possible in this world.
Sad Demise.
Shri Sitaram N. Auti, Sub Divisional Inspector (Postal), Khed Sub Division under Ratnagiri Division met with an accident on 11/10/2010 and expired on 14/10/2010. I alongwith some members of Mumbai, Ratnagiri, Pune attended funeral at his native place At/Post-Rajuri (Dist. Pune) on 15/10/2010. We pray to GOD to keep his soul rest in peace.
Recent orders on GDS appointment
Modified instructions on Recruitment of GDS through Employment Exchange - Clarification of term "Effective No. of Candidates"
DG (P) Letter No: 19-27 / 2010-GDS Dt. 07.10.10.
Attention of all concerned is invited to Para 3 of this Dte Order No. 19-4 / 97-ED &Trg Dt 19.08.98 which provided that "in case the notification and public advertisement so issued fail to elicit any response within the stipulated date or if the effective number of candidates applied for the post is less than 3, the vacancies will be re-notified to the Employment Exchange & fresh advertisement issued calling for nominations etc within 15 days"
2. The term "effective No. of candidates / applications" has undergone judicial scrutiny by CAT, Hyderabad in OA No. 516 / 2009 in the matter of Shri.Chennuri Raju vs Union of India & relying on judgment of High Court of Madras in WP No. 22500 & 20422 / 1999 in similar case CAT, Hyderabad has held in its judgment on 15.06.10 that "three effective applications mean three applications should be received and even if one of the candidates amongst the three applicants is eligible, the selection should be finalized"
3. The issue has been considered in this Dte in the light of the aforesaid judgment and I am directed to convey that term "effective No. of Candidates" finding a mention in the order of this Dte ibid may be interpreted to mean that three applications from the different candidates should be received and even if one of the candidates amongst the three applicants is found eligible, the selection should be finalized in conformity with the interpretation as referred to in Para 2 above.
2. The term "effective No. of candidates / applications" has undergone judicial scrutiny by CAT, Hyderabad in OA No. 516 / 2009 in the matter of Shri.Chennuri Raju vs Union of India & relying on judgment of High Court of Madras in WP No. 22500 & 20422 / 1999 in similar case CAT, Hyderabad has held in its judgment on 15.06.10 that "three effective applications mean three applications should be received and even if one of the candidates amongst the three applicants is eligible, the selection should be finalized"
3. The issue has been considered in this Dte in the light of the aforesaid judgment and I am directed to convey that term "effective No. of Candidates" finding a mention in the order of this Dte ibid may be interpreted to mean that three applications from the different candidates should be received and even if one of the candidates amongst the three applicants is found eligible, the selection should be finalized in conformity with the interpretation as referred to in Para 2 above.
MACP order released by Nagpur Region.
PMG Nagpur vide his office Memo NO: NR/Staff-II/5-21/03/2010 dated 30.9.2010 has considered the financial upgradation of following officers having completed 20, 30 years of Qualifying Service on date shown against their names in the basic cadre Postal Assistant/IP/ASP on Regular basis for the placement in the next higher Grade Pay under MACP Scheme.
Sl | Name & Designation | Completion of Service | Date of effect of upgradation | Old Scale with Grade Pay | New Grade Pay |
1 | Shri R.R.Ali, SPO Yavatmal Division. | 30 Years | 1.9.2008 | 9300-34800 GP-4600 | Rs 4800/- |
2 | Shri Y.S.Ukey ADPS Goa Region | 30 Years | 1.7.2009 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
3 | Shri Asif Akhatar ASP(E) Nagpur City Div | 30 Years | 1.9.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
4 | Shri M.M.Tople ASP(W) Nagpur City Div | 30 Years | 1.9.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
5 | Shri M.S.Bhardwaj Sr PM Nagpur GPO, Nagpur | 30 Years | 1.9.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
6 | Shri N.N.Shrikhande ASP Mails Attached to RO | 30 Years | 1.9.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
7 | Shri R.N.Mugal Dy Manager, SPC Nagpur | 30 Years | 4.10.2010 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
8 | Shri R.N.Salame ASP(HQ) Chandrapur Div. | 30 Years | 1.9.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
9 | Shri P.S.Nimgade ASP Wardha East Sub Div. | 30 Years | 1.9.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
10 | Shri V.P.Phirke ASP (HQ) Buldana Division | 30 Years | 19.12.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
11 | Shri M.S.Thawale ASP( BD) RO Nagpur | 30 Years | 19.12.2008 | 9300-34800 GP 4600 | Rs 4800/ |
12 | Shri A.K.Chavan ASP RO Nagpur | 20 Years | 1.11.2009 | 9300-34800 GP 4200 | Rs 4600/- |
Deputation of ASPs and IPs to Directorate.
Directorate has called services of ASPs and Inspector Posts in Directorate on deputation basis. ASPs and Inspector Posts, who are willing to be deputed in the Directorate and have cleared their probation period and are not due for promotion within the next two years are eligible for deputation.
It is learnt that the services of ASPs and Inspectors would be utiliised for preparation of gradation list of Inspectors.
It is learnt that the services of ASPs and Inspectors would be utiliised for preparation of gradation list of Inspectors.
Mostly all central government employees might have been received increased dearness allowance and it's arrears.Now bonus is the key word amongst government employees. Usually before pooja holidays productivity linked bonus will be disbursed.
At present DA is 45%.When DA reaches above 50% all fixed allowances will be increased up to 25%. This has been mentioned by 6CPC in their report.
AICPIN(IW) JULY, AUGUST was 178.Four more months index number yet to be released. After that announcement of DA for JANUARY 2011 will be finalised. Some important allowances like Children education allowance, care taking allowance, traveling allowance, conveyance allowance, family planning allowance, washing allowance will increase up to 25%.
Children education allowance is amicable allowance among the above mentioned allowances.Because those employees may claim maximum of Rs 24000 per year for their two school going children.Hence that employees may get Rs 6000 more ie Rs30000 per year if that allowance may be increased up to 25%.
Nowadays getting good education is very expensive.Hence the expecting increase may give satisfaction to the employees.
MAY-2010 | 172 | |
JUNE-2010 | 174 | 45% |
JULY-2010 | 178 | - |
AUGUST-2010 | 178 | - |
AICPIN(IW) JULY, AUGUST was 178.Four more months index number yet to be released. After that announcement of DA for JANUARY 2011 will be finalised. Some important allowances like Children education allowance, care taking allowance, traveling allowance, conveyance allowance, family planning allowance, washing allowance will increase up to 25%.
Children education allowance is amicable allowance among the above mentioned allowances.Because those employees may claim maximum of Rs 24000 per year for their two school going children.Hence that employees may get Rs 6000 more ie Rs30000 per year if that allowance may be increased up to 25%.
Nowadays getting good education is very expensive.Hence the expecting increase may give satisfaction to the employees.
Circle wise unfilled vacancies/suprpus candidates of IP Exam 2009.
S.No. Name of Circle Unfilled vacancies Surplus candidates
1. Andra Pradesh 0 2 3 3 0 0
2. Assam 0 0 0 4 0 0
3. Bihar 0 0 0 18 0 1
4. Chhatisgad 0 0 0 1 0 0
5. Delhi 0 0 0 2 1 1
6. Gujrat 12 0 2 0 0 0
7. Haryana 0 0 0 13 1 0
8. Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. J & K 0 0 0 1 0 0
10. Jharkhand 2 1 0 0 0 0
11. Karnataka 0 0 0 16 3 0
12. Kerala 0 0 0 6 0 0
13. Maharashtra 13 0 1 0 0 0
14. Madhya Pradesh 1 0 0 0 0 0
15. North East 0 2 0 1*+1 0 1
16. Orissa 0 0 0 13 1 0
17. Punjab 0 0 1 1 0 0
18. Rajasthan 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Tamil Nadu 0 0 0 1*+19 3 1
20. Uttarakhand 2 0 0 0 0 0
21. Uttar Pradesh 23 0 7 0 0 0
22. West Bengal 0 0 1 20 1 0
Total 53 5 15 100*+20 10 4
* Result of one surplus OC candidate from North East Circle and one suprlus OC candidate from Tamil Nadu is not declared.
1. Andra Pradesh 0 2 3 3 0 0
2. Assam 0 0 0 4 0 0
3. Bihar 0 0 0 18 0 1
4. Chhatisgad 0 0 0 1 0 0
5. Delhi 0 0 0 2 1 1
6. Gujrat 12 0 2 0 0 0
7. Haryana 0 0 0 13 1 0
8. Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. J & K 0 0 0 1 0 0
10. Jharkhand 2 1 0 0 0 0
11. Karnataka 0 0 0 16 3 0
12. Kerala 0 0 0 6 0 0
13. Maharashtra 13 0 1 0 0 0
14. Madhya Pradesh 1 0 0 0 0 0
15. North East 0 2 0 1*+1 0 1
16. Orissa 0 0 0 13 1 0
17. Punjab 0 0 1 1 0 0
18. Rajasthan 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Tamil Nadu 0 0 0 1*+19 3 1
20. Uttarakhand 2 0 0 0 0 0
21. Uttar Pradesh 23 0 7 0 0 0
22. West Bengal 0 0 1 20 1 0
Total 53 5 15 100*+20 10 4
* Result of one surplus OC candidate from North East Circle and one suprlus OC candidate from Tamil Nadu is not declared.
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