Superannuation Retirement
Shri N S Wankhede, Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices, Satara Dn., Pune Region is retiring from Government Service on Superannuation on 31.01.2017.
This Association Wishes him a very Happy and Healthy Retired Life
First IPPB Inauguration at Raipur & Ranchi on 30th January 2017 at 5PM
Secretary, Department of Posts requests the please of your company at the inauguration of the pilot branches of IPPB at Raipur and Ranchi through video conferencing by Arun Jaitely and Manoj Sinha on 30th January 2017, at 5PM, National Media centre, New Delhi.
Click below to view or download the invitation
Employment News : 28 January 2017 to 3 February 2017
Name Of Post : Staff Nurse (Male/Female)
No.of Vacancies : 3838
Last Date :13.02.2017
Name Of Post : Hindi Translator, Religious Teacher, Barrack and Road, Staff Nurse, Personal Assistant, Clerk and Various Vacancies
No.of Vacancies : 614
Last Date :04.02.2017
Name Of Post : Senior Resident
No.of Vacancies : 89
Last Date :20.02.2017
Name Of Post : Deputy Manager’s, Senior Officer’s, Assistant, Senior Rout Manager, Manager Scheduling & Network Planning, Deputy Chief of Finance and Various Vacancies
No.of Vacancies : 55
Last Date :Within 15 Days From the Date of Publication
Name Of Post : Various Scientific Positions
No.of Vacancies : 21
Last Date :08.02.2017
Source :

Officers to face action for delay in GPF payments to retiring employees
Officers to face action for delay in GPF payments to retiring employees
New Delhi: Action will be taken against the officers concerned in cases of delay in processing payment of General Provident Fund (GPF) to retiring employees, the Centre has said.
The move comes after it was noticed that GPF final payment in many cases was not being made to the government servants immediately after retirement leading to payment of interest for the period delayed.
In an order, the Ministry of Personnel said in order to ensure timely final payment of GPF and to avoid unnecessary financial burden on account of interest, it has now been decided that every case, in which payment of interest on General Provident Fund becomes necessary beyond the date of retirement, shall be put up for consideration to the Secretary of the administrative ministry.
"In all such cases the Secretary of the administrative ministry or department will fix responsibility at all levels to take appropriate action against the government servant or servants who are found responsible for the delay in the payment of General Provident Fund," it said in the directive to all central government departments.
Senior Personnel Ministry officials also said there have been a few instances in which there were complaint of delay in giving final amount of GPF to the retiring employees.
Rules clearly provide that when the amount standing at the credit of a subscriber in the General Provident Fund becomes payable, it shall be the duty of the Accounts Officer to make the payment.
The authority for the amount payable is to be issued at least a month before the date of superannuation, but payable on the date of superannuation, the rules say.
The Centre had in 1996 dispensed with the requirement of submitting a written application by the retiring government servant for GPF final payment.
As per the rules, in case the GPF balance is not paid on retirement, interest on the GPF balance is required to be paid for the period beyond the date of retirement also.
Source : PTI
Proposed Strike On 15th February Postponed To
Kindly refer to the notice served by us on 28th December 2016, for one day strike of Central Government employees on15th February 2017. (copy enclosed for ready reference). This is to inform you that due to the notification of election to five state assemblies by the Elected Commission of India, the proposed strike on 15th February 2017 is postponed to 16th March 2017. The Charter of demands in pursuance of which the employees will embark upon the one-day strike action is enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125
LTC: Relaxation to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir – Dopt Clarification
No. 31011/7/2014-Estt.(A-IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment A-IV Desk
North Block, New Delhi-110 001
Dated: January 13, 2017
Subject:- Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 Relaxation to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M. of even no. dated 28.11.2014 on the subject noted above and to say that vide aforesaid O.M., facility to travel on LTC by private airlines to Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) under the special dispensation scheme was allowed for a period of one year. This facility ended w.e.f. 28.11.2015 and was re-introduced on 01.06.2016.
2. Many references have been received about Govt. employees who had inadvertently travelled by private airlines to J&K during the gap period i.e. from 28.11.2015 to 31.05.2016, under the impression that the facility was still operational and were later facing difficulties in settlement of their LTC claims.
3. The issue has been examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure and Ministry of Civil Aviation. In relaxation to this Department’s O.M. of even no. dated 28.11.2014 , it has been decided to allow the claims of those Government employees who had travelled by private airlines to Jammu & Kashmir on LTC during the gap period of 28.11.2015 – 31.05.2016. This shall be subject to the condition that tickets have been booked through the authorised modes and at LTC-80 fare or less and other conditions prescribed in DoPT’s O.M. No.31011/7/2014-Estt.A-IV dated 28.11.2014.
(Surya Narayan Jha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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Grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal to deaf and dumb employees of Central Government – Finmin Orders
“Transport Allowance at double normal rates would be admissible to the ‘Hearing Impaired employees having loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversation range of frequencies’ as per Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Fun Participation) Act, 1995”
Governmént of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 17.01.2017
Subject: Grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal to deaf and dumb employees of Central Government
In supersession of this Department O.M.No.21(2)/2011-E-II(B) dated 19.02.2014 regarding admissibility of Transport Allowance at double the normal rates to employees who are deaf and dumb. the undersigned is directed to say that the matter has been re-examined and it has been decided with the approval of Competent Authority that Transport Allowance at double the normal rates is admissible to Hearing Impaired employees also in addition to employees who are both deaf and dumb.
2. Transport Allowance at double normal rates would be admissible to the ‘Hearing Impaired employees having loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversation range of frequencies’ as per Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Fun Participation) Act, 1995.
3. The admissibility of Transport Allowance at double the normal rates to above categories of employees is subject to recommendation of the Head of ENT Department of a Government Civil Hospital and fulfillment of other conditions applicable in respect of other disabilities mentioned in D/o Expenditure’s O.M. No. 19029/1/78-E-lV (B) dated 31st August, 1978 read with dated 29.08.2008.
4. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, this order issues in consultation with the Comptroller And Auditor General of India.
5. These orders would be effective from 19.02.2014.
6. Hindi version is attached.
(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary (EG)
Posted by AIAIPASP
Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Committee Report
The Old system of payment of time related continuity Allowance (TRCA) is dispensed with and replaced with a new wage payment system. Under the new wage payment system, 11 TRCA slabs are subsumed into 3 wage scales with two levels each for BPMs and for other than BPMs. One wage scale would be common for both the categories of GDSs.
New Wage Scales
1. 10,000 – 24,470 (Other than BPM Level 1)
2. 12,000 – 29,380 (Other than BPM Level 2 & BPM Level 1)
3. 14,500 – 35,480 (BPM Level 2)
- The minimum working hours of GDS Post Offices and GDS is increased to 4 hours from 3 hours.
- The new working hours for GDS Post Offices will be 4 hours and 5 hours only.
- The Level 1 GDS Post Offices/GDSs will have 4 hours as working hours and Level – 2 will have 5 hours as working hours.
- The Point System for assessment of workload of BPMs has been abolished.
- The new wage payment system is linked to revenue generation of GDS Post Offices. Under the new system, there will be no increase in wagess of BPMs from Level-1 to Level-2 on the basis of workload but the same will be increased based on achievement of prescribed revenue norms which is fixed at 100% for normal areas and 50% for special areas which presently have 15% anticipated income norms.
- The GDS Post Offices not achieving the prescribed revenue norm within the given working hours will have to open GDS post offices for minimum of additional 30 minutes beyond the prescribed working hours.
- The GDSs BPMs will be paid Revenue Linked Allowance @10% beyond Level 2 wage scale if they will be successful in achieving revenue beyond prescribed norms
- The GDS Post Offices has been categorized into A,B,C and D categories based on the revenue generation norms. The GDS Post Office in A category will achieve 100% revenue. The Committee has recommended a set of actions for each category of GDS Post Offices.
- The six approved categories of GDS are subsumed into two categories only. One category will be Branch Post Master and all other 5 categories of GDSs are subsumed into one multi tasking category.
- The job profile of Multi Tasking GDS is expanded to include work such as Business Development and Marketing etc. Their jobs will no more be confined to their old designations. The Assistant BPM will assist BPMs for increasing revenue generation.
- The GDSs working in the GDS Post Offices will be known as Assistant Branch Post Master (ABPMs) and those working in the Department Post Offices will be known as Dak Sevak (DS).
- The minimum wage has been increased to Rs.10000/- per month and maximum to Rs.35,480/- per month.
- The rate of annual increase is recommended as 3%.
- A composite Allowance comprising of support for hiring accommodation for GDS Post Offices as well as mandatory residence, office maintenance, mobile and electricity usage charges etc. has been introduced for the first time.
- Children Education Allowance @ Rs.6,000/- per Child per annum has been introducted for GDS.
- Risk & Hardship Allowance @ Rs.500/- per month for GDSs working in the special areas has also been introduced.
- A Financial upgradation has been introduced at 12 Years, 24 years and 36 Years of services in form of two advance additional annual increases.
- The ceiling of ex-gratia gratuity has been increased from Rs.60,000 to Rs.5,00,000/-
- The GDS contribution for service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) should be enhanced maximum up to 10% and minimum up to 3% of the basic wage per month, whereas the Department should contribute a fixed contribution of 3% of the basic wage of the GDSs.
- The coverage of GDS Group Insurance Scheme has been enhanced from Rs.50,000/0 to Rs.5,00,000/-.
- The contribution of Department in Circle Welfare Fund (CWF) has been increased from Rs.100/- per annum to Rs.300/- per annum.
- The Scope of CWF is extended to cover immediate family members such as spouse; daughters, sons and dependent daughters in law in the scheme.
- The Committee also recommended 10% hike in the prescribed limits of financial grants and assistance in the Circle Welfare Fund.
- The Committee has recommended addition of Rs.10,000/- for purchase of Tablet/Mobile from the Circle Welfare Fund in the head ” Financial Assistance from Fund by way of loans with lower rate of interest (5%)”.
- Provision of 26 weeks of Maternity Leave for women GDSs has been recommended.
- The wages for the entire period of Maternity Leave is recommended to be paid from salary head from where wages of GDSs are paid.
- The Committee has also recommended one week of Paternity Leave.
- The Committee has recommended 5 days of emergency leave per annum
- Leave accumulation and encashment facility up to 180 days has been introduced.
- Online system of engagement has been recommended.
- The maximum age limit of 50 years for Direct Recruitment of GDSs has been abolished.
- Minimum one year of GDS service will now be required for GDSs for Direct Recruitment into Departmental cadres such as MTS/Postman/Mail Guard.
- Alternate livelihood condition for engagement of GDSs has been relaxed.
- Voluntary Discharge Scheme has been recommended.
- The Discharge age has been retained at 65 years.
- The Limited Transfer Facility has been relaxed from 1 time to 3 Time for male GDSs. There will be no restriction on number of chances for transfer of women GDSs. The power for transfer has been delegated to the concerned Divisional head.
- The ex-gratia payment during put off period should be revised to 35% from 25% of the wage and DA drawn immediately before put off.
- The committee has recommended preferring transfer before put off duty.
- The compassionate Engagement of GDSs has been relaxed to give benefits to eligible dependents in all cases of death of GDS while in service.
_____________________________________________________________________________Categories of GDS:Present NomenclatureCategoryBRANCH POST MASTERAll Branch Post MastersASSISTANT BRANCH POST MASTERGDS MD, GDS MCDAK SEVAKGDSSV,GDS PKR, GDSMM..Viability of GDS Post Offices:New norms for calculation of GDS Pos are recommended.Further Categorization of GDS POs based on proportion of Revenue / ExpenditureCategory of GDS PORevenue NormUrban & Rural (Normal)100% of its expenditureRural (special)50% of its expenditure..CategoryColourProportion of Revenue to expenditureAGreen100% or more of prescribed formBOrange75% to 99% of prescribed formCPink50% to 74.99% of prescribed formDRedLess than 50% of prescribed formWorkload assessment:In place of point system, the Committee recommends the new wage payment system. The new system linked to revenue generation and not to work load.Rural Business Development and Marketing:The Committee Recommended many items for successful realization of rural business potentials.Committee recommends to improve the accessibility, visibility and infrastructure of GDS POs.PO are with 10’ X 10’ dimensions in ground floor.Building owned by Gram PanchayatBuilding owned by Central Govt or State Govt. ie.,schools or offices BPM’s own houseProper rented accommodation in a busy place of the villageBuilding owned by NGOs.With all furniture and power supply.Legal status of GDS:The Committee observed that the matter is sub judice.The Department should take suitable steps to increase security of job, prevent exploitation and increase income of GDSs so that they feel secure and live happily with in the GDS system and with the existing legal status.Terms and conditions of engagement.The Committee recommends changes in Rule-3A.Introduce voluntary discharge scheme on willing to leave the post before 65 yearsDischarge from the service on the last day of the month.Relaxation on limited transfer facility.Recommendations on wage structure and fixation of wages.Committee recommends raising of minimum duty from 3 hours to 4 hours of all GDSsComparison : BPM = PostmanAsst. BPM & Dak Sevak = MTSMinimum wage fixed at :Rs.10,000- for 4 hours & Rs.12,000- for five hours. (Level-I)Rs.12,000- for 5 hours & Rs.14,500- for five hours (Level-2)Annual increase @ 3% on 1st January or 1st JulyWage matrix & Wage Level Table & Arrears calculation Table are given in detail.Allowances:Dearness Allowance – no change% of DA with regular employees – no changeIncreased rate of DA – no changeRecommended allowances :Composite AllowanceCash Conveyance AllowanceCombined Duty AllowanceChildren Education AllowanceRevenue linked Allowance for eligible BPMsRisk & hardship allowanceAllowances to be withdrawn:Office Maintenance AllowanceFixed Stationery AllowanceBoat AllowanceCycle Maintenance AllowanceUttarakhand AllowanceSplit Duty Allowance.Composite Allowance Includes:Rent for housing GDS PO, Rent for Accommodation, washing-repairs-maintenance of premises, furniture, stationery charges, electricity usage charges for office, Mobile / Telephone usage charges, Boat Allowance/ CMA/ TA, Hospitality charges for drinking water, other incidental charges.Performance Related IncentiveRevenue linked allowance along with the present system of incentives with automatic payment at the end of each month.Ex-gratia Bonus:Dept should re-examine the formula for payment of bonus and ex gratia bonus with reference to the share of revenue generated by the departmental as well as GDS POs.Methods of engagementMethod of selection : on line method engagement should be introduced.Recruiting Authority : appended to the GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules, 2011Qualification :SSC/SSLC from State Board/CBSE/ICSE with certificate course or diploma course in ITKnowledge of local language.Maintenance of Reservation roster at divisional level.Stop the security in the form of FG bonds, introduce 5 year TD or NSC as security.Career ProgressionThere is need to increase the Direct Recuitment quota of GDS in Postman & Mail Guard because of large working strength of GDS and to provide them with better opportunities for getting into departmental posts.Introduce a guaranteed special increase in wages after 12, 24 & 36 years of service with two annual increases.Designation of GDSs should be changed after each financial upgradation.Leave & substitute arrangement:Paid leave should be renamed as ordinary leave and enhanced from 20 to 30 days in a year.Introduce Encashment of Ordinary leave.Introduce ‘emergency leave’ for 5 days in a calendar year, but no carry forward.No full time substitute will be engaged.Women GDS – 26 weeks of maternity leave and paid from salary head.Paternity leave for 7 days.Disciplinary Rules:Department should add a new punishment of ‘compulsory discharge from the service’ in the list “major penalties’ and the content of Rule-9 of GDS (Conduct & Engagement)Rules 2011.Social Security Schemes:Severance Amount : @ Rs.4,000 from 01-01-2016 for every completed year of service subject to maximum of Rs.1,50,000-.Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS):GDS contribution should be revised as minimum of 3% and maximum of 10% of the basic wage per month.Department contribution should be fixed as 3% of the basic wage.Bring the GDS under the purview of Gratuity Act with an upper limit of Rs.5,00,000-Group Insurance Scheme :Enhance the rate of monthly subscription by Rs.500 per month with insurance coverage of Rs.5,00,000-.Welfare Schemes:GDS CWF subscription should be enhanced from Rs.20- to Rs.100- pm.Department grant should be enhanced from Rs.100- to Rs.300- PA.Point system should not be applied to the compassionate appointment of dependents of GDS.Photo identity cards to all GDS with free of cost.
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