Government hikes minimum wage for contract workers to Rs 10,000
NEW DELHI: The minimum wage for contract workers has been increased to Rs 10,000 per month, Union minister Bandaru Dattatreya said on Monday.
The minister of state for labour and employment informed Lok Sabha that the wage hike has been implemented based on a Supreme Court verdict.
Asserting that the government is committed towards the betterment of the working class, he said workers are being protected through all the rights.
"Recently, we have increased minimum wage to Rs 10,000 at the national level taking into consideration the Consumer Price Index and Dearness Allowance. This was based on the verdict of the Supreme Court. We have linked this increase of minimum wage to pension and bonus," he said during Question Hour.
On April 17, Dattatreya had said the government would bring out an executive order to ensure that contract workers get a minimum wage of Rs 10,000 per month.
"It is the endeavour of the central government to make reforms in labour laws and to proceed from minimum wage to universal wage. Because the Opposition is not cooperating in Parliament, we will do it through an executive order," he had said.
"We have taken a decision to make changes to rule 25 of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules. Every contract worker will be entitled to get Rs 10,000 per month," Dattatreya had said.
Source :
Finacle Training Lesson 2 [Login, Fincore]
In Finacle training lesson 1 we have learned about MENU. A Menu is a shortcut code which we enter in the Menu Shortcut field. If you have not yet read the first lesson please read it first and then come back to this lesson.
In today’s lesson we will see how to login into finacle.
How to login into Finacle?
Today we will see how to login into Finacle. See the below screenshot first.
Our computers at our offices will look mostly like the above picture. There are certain settings to be made to our computers at office before we can start using Finacle. Don’t worry, our Super Stars (System Administrators) will do all the settings for you.
Finacle is also a website like,, etc. To open any website we need software called as BROWSER. Our computer will have a browser called as Internet Explorer by default. There are other browsers available, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari etc. But our finacle website will only open in INTERNET EXPLORER. So click on the Internet explorer icon as shown in the above picture.
Since our system administrators have already made all the settings to our systems, after clicking Internet explorer icon you will see the screen as shown below.
Our Finacle website is designed using JAVA software. JAVA is very powerful and there are so many things which we can do using JAVA. With the help of JAVA there is possibility of hacking systems. Because of this reason some times browser will show warnings to us. But don’t worry it’s our department website. We can trust it.
If you see the above image, browser is showing us a warning. It is saying us not to open the website. But as we know Finacle is safe we can continue to open that website.
So click on the 2nd option in the screen which says “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.
After clicking the 2nd option you will see new screen as shown below.
This is the actual login screen of finacle. In this screen we have to enter our user id and password.
Before migration of our office to finacle itself our system administrators will collect your details in the prescribed proforma and send them to CPC (Circle Processing Center I think). CPC people will create your ID and they will send your ID to your office email. Keep checking your office email till you get your ID. CPC people will set a default password to your ID.
When you are logging in to finacle for the first time, enter your user ID which you received via email, See the image below.
This is my first login into finacle. When you login with default password Finacle will ask you to change your password. See the image below.
Click on Go and change your password.
But remember you don’t need abnormally complicated passwords like 05621A)$@&*. A simple password like simha%3750 is enough. Keep the password simple and not easily guessable. After you change your password for the first time, you have to logout and login again with the new password.
After logging in with the new password you will see a screen like this. See the picture below.
In this screen you have to select the SOLUTION. In Finacle there are different solutions. Different solutions are used for different purposes. Some solutions are “FINCORE”, “SVS”, “SSOLogin” etc.
FINCORE solution is used at operative post offices to do transactions.
SVS solution is used at CPC for signature and document scanning.
SSOLogin solution is used at CPC to perform day end activities and some other important stuff.
The Point is we have to select a solution before we go to the actual finacle transaction screen.
In operative post offices select FINCORE as solution and you will see a new screen as shown below.
1. Password will expire after 60 days
2. In the above screen you can see your last login details. Last time when you login etc will be seen. If you find that you have login at abnormal times change your password immediately.
3. Always keep an eye on your last login details.
Now as you can see in the below image this is the actual finacle screen.
This screen has some useful information and there are some points about this screen you must compulsorily know.
Those details we will discuss in the next lesson.
Points to Remember:
1. We use Internet Explorer browser to access Finacle website in our offices
2. Don’t use complicated passwords and do not disclose your passwords to anyone
3. You have to change your password after every 60days.
4. You have to choose FINCORE solution to enter into the actual Finacle home screen and do transactions
Source :
Finacle Training Lesson 2 [Login, Fincore]
Finacle Training Lesson 1 [Menus]
In this lesson we will learn the most basic concepts about finacle. Finacle is very easy. Yes it is very easy. Many people who come for training at my WTC say that they will take voluntary retirement because of the fear of finacle. No sir, if you know the full power of finacle you will want to work a few more years after your retirement. Yes, you will want to work more because finacle handles the major burden for you. You will feel more relaxed and enjoying that you will not want to leave the work. All this is possible when you know everything about Finacle.
Not only finacle even in our real life this rule applies. You will be afraid of driving a car in the beginning. You will be afraid of making an accident. At the beginning, we are not really perfect. But once we know perfectly we will drive the car as easily as drinking water. Same is the case with Finacle. Once you know everything about finacle you will do transactions so fast that you yourself will be amused with your speed.
So just concentrate on what I am teaching, practice the tips which I give you and you will become finacle master in no time.
Sanchay Post is very easy. Is Finacle easy?
Of course Finacle is easy. But Sanchay post is very very easy. Yes I agree with you on this point. But Finacle is highly secured. It can handle millions of transactions with ease (Daily almost 30 lakh transactions are taking place all over India in finacle offices). No chance of frauds. Can we say these things about Sanchay post? No. Sanchay post is not secured. Anyone can easily do frauds in Sanchay post. And it cannot handle large number of transactions.
Finacle has many advantages too. It gives customers various other channels of making transactions. They need not come to post offices to complete their transactions. They can do transactions by themselves. They can use ATMs to withdraw money. There are cash deposit machines to deposit money. They can use internet banking facilities to check balances, print account statement, transfer amount to different accounts all by themselves.
So in an year or two we will observe a huge decrease of people coming to counters to do transactions. That means fewer transactions at counter. Isn’t it great?
Since less people come to counter it gives us opportunity to start new business ventures. We can sell mutual funds, stocks and life insurances. We can handle forex (foreign exchange) services. The possibilities are unlimited. We can become a major contributor of income to GDP of our country. We can be proud of what we are doing. People will once again start respecting us.
I think many of you have faced this question.
“Oh you work in Post office? That’s great! No work at post offices is it! You might be enjoying a lot because nobody is using letters now a day’s”
I feel like hitting hard in their face to whoever says this to me. But we can’t do that. Can we? We have to give a tight slap to them by our work. We will work hard and prove to our country what we are capable of.
Finacle will give us this strength. It will give the wings to fly high. Let’s learn Finacle with lots of love towards it. Yes many officials are suffering due to this CBS. But all those technical problems our administration will soon overcome. By that time we should become Finacle experts.
Let’s get into the lesson now. Auditors (SBCO staff) can also follow this training. Because to understand what auditors should do, it is essential that auditors should know what counter staff are doing. Even though we don’t know completely how auditors should work in finacle, we know the basics of what auditors should do. We will start a separate training for auditors after completion of counter staff training. But it is essential that auditors should know all this. So we advise auditors staff also to follow this training closely.
Differences between Sanchay Post and Finacle.
Because we already know how to work with Sanchay Post, Let’s learn Finacle from Sanchay post itself. In Sanchay Post everything was readily available on screen. For any transaction we just click on the item which we want and a new screen opens with required form. Then we enter the fields in the form and click on SEND button. And the transaction is done.
But Finacle is different. Nothing is visible on the screen. See the image below. After you login into finacle the screen will appear as below.
See, there is nothing on the screen. Then, what should we do to deposit amount in to an SB account? How should I close an SCSS account? How can we do transactions when nothing is visible on the screen? See the picture below now.
If you look on the top most right side of the screen, you will notice a field named as “Menu Shortcut:” Beside menu shortcut there is an empty box. This empty box is used to do all transactions in finacle. Through this box we can talk with Finacle. Yes! we can talk with Finacle.
Since Finacle is computer software it will not understand our languages. If we say “Finacle babu jara SB depojit ka screen open karo”, it won’t understand anything. It’s simple isn’t it? We cannot talk in Hindi with a Chinese person. That Chinese person will only understand Chinese Language.
Similarly Finacle will only understand its own language.
Finacle can only understand a language of codes. If you want to talk with Finacle we should know the codes that it understands. If you want to open an SB account, then enter CASBAO code in the menu shortcut field and click on GO. See the image below and you will understand.
Finacle only understands these codes. After clicking on go it will open a new screen where you will enter some more information and open the account.
These codes which Finacle understands are called as MENUS
To do any transaction in Finacle you have to enter a menu in the Menu Shortcut field. Finacle will read this menu and it will open a new screen where you can complete the transactions.
Let us imagine that Finacle is a ROBOT. Robots are designed to do predefined works. You give commands to robots and they will complete the work. Similarly we have to give commands (MENUS) to make it work for you.
To do any transaction, we have to enter a menu in the menu shortcut field. For every transaction there will be a menu. There are almost 200 menus in finacle which are available for counter staff. There will be so many other menus which are available for users with higher roles. I’ll give you some examples.
1. Menu for SB Deposit is CTM.
2. Menu for SB Account opening is CASBAO.
3. Menu for SB to RD standing instruction is HSSIM.
4. Menu to initiate Day end is HISCOD and so on.
You need not remember all these menus immediately. As the time goes you will remember all menus by heart.
Because we are using menus to do transactions in Finacle, Finacle is called as a menu driven web interface.
So,that’s it for today’s lesson. In the next lesson we will learn how to login into finacle. I will explain in detail about everything which you see on the screen in the next lesson.
Points to Remember:
1. Finacle can only understand the language of codes.
2.These codes are called as MENUS
3. For every transaction in Finacle there is menu.
4.To do any transaction in Finacle you have to enter the corresponding menu in the menu shortcut field.
Finacle Training Lesson 1 [Menus]
Govt puts on hold new Provident Fund withdrawal norms till July 31
The Govt puts on hold new Provident Fund withdrawal norms till July 31. New PF withdrawal norms proposes to bar withdrawal of employer’s contribution to the provident fund corpus until the employee attains the age of 58 years.
On the issue of new Provident Fund withdrawal norms, the government today decided to keep the implementation of new norms in abeyance for three more months till July 31st.
The announcement comes in the midst of protest by labour unions in several parts of the country against the new norms.
People have also launched online campaign against the decision, which was to be implemented from February 10 but was later put on hold till April 30.
In February, the ministry had issued a notification restricting 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months.
Source: DDI News
Posted by AIAIPASP
On the issue of new Provident Fund withdrawal norms, the government today decided to keep the implementation of new norms in abeyance for three more months till July 31st.
The announcement comes in the midst of protest by labour unions in several parts of the country against the new norms.
People have also launched online campaign against the decision, which was to be implemented from February 10 but was later put on hold till April 30.
In February, the ministry had issued a notification restricting 100 per cent withdrawal of provident fund by members after unemployment of more than two months.
Source: DDI News
Posted by AIAIPASP
LTC 80 Air Fare with effect from 1st April 2016
In the event of Travel by private airlines or non-purchase of Air India LTC-80 air ticket, the employee concerned will not be reimbursed with the Air fare claimed under LTC.
However, in case of non-availability of Air India Flights to destination for which travel by LTC is planned, travel under LTC 80 Air tickets can be relaxed on case to case basis
Documents required by Air India for purchasing LTC 80 Air Tickets:
Official ID card. In the case of purchasing LTC 80 Air Tickets for Family members they have to carry the copy of the Identity Card of the employee.
Validity of LTC 80 Air Tickets:
One Year from the date of Issue
Discount applicable to Children and Infants for LTC 80 Air Fare:
Normal discount on the class of travel in respect of Children and they are not entitled to any additional discount. In the case of Infants (Under 2 years) 1st accompanying Infant – Rs.1000 per coupon, Plus applicable taxes. 2nd and more Infants, no discount permissible.
Change of Date and Cancellation of LTC 80 Air Tickets:
Change of Date of Travel and Cancellation of LTC 80 Air Tickets are allowed subject to payment of fee applicable.
Author’s Note: Government insists for purchasing Air India LTC 80 Air tickets for the reasons that these tickets are entititled to Change of dates and cancellation by default. So, neither the Govt nor the employee will incur loss in the event of change of date or cancellation of Travel Plan. In fact, there are many types of Air Fares are available in Air India itself which will be lesser than LTC 80 Air fare after dicounts. However, Air Tickets in discounted price will not be allowed for changing date of travel or cancellation of tickets.
Source : Gconnect
Misuse of RTI by employees of Public authorities be considered as ‘misconduct’
Misuse of RTI by employees of Public authorities be considered as ‘misconduct’: CIC
Taking serious note of misuse of RTI, the Central Information Commission has observed that such misuse by the employees of Public authorities shall be considered as an item of misconduct that invite disciplinary action.
Dismissing his appeal, the commission issued following directions,
To Read CIC Order visit at:
Taking serious note of misuse of RTI, the Central Information Commission has observed that such misuse by the employees of Public authorities shall be considered as an item of misconduct that invite disciplinary action.
The observation was made by Information Commissioner Prof. M. Sridhar Acharyulu who was hearing an appeal filed by an employee of Ambedkar Polytechnic. He had sought wide range of information about colleagues and Principal and even of the officers who were supposed to inquire into complaints filed against him.
Perusing his RTI application, the commission observed "The public authority is scared of appellant as he has already filed number of complaints, grievance representations, RTI applications, almost chocking entire administration."
The commission also observed that appellant had video graphed a lecture of his lady colleague in the class room without permission and put it on social media with reckless allegations. The Commission further observed “he is undoubtedly a misuser of every mechanism and bent upon harassing everyone who does not yield to his wishes. He is a potential threat to peace in the institution and also privacy of colleagues. Whole college is scared of him. He asked for certified copies of ‘integrity certificate’ of officers who are asked to inquire into allegations against him. This shows that he is not capable of working with other staff in public authority like this.”
Dismissing his appeal, the commission issued following directions,
- The public authority should proceed with disciplinary action against the appellant for his misuse of RTI which amounted to misconduct, before April 25, 2016. Every misuse of system like, misuse of PGMS, RTI and Social media shall be considered as an item of misconduct that invite disciplinary action.
- If the misusers of RTI involved in invading privacy by video recording and spreading false allegations through social media network, the head of the institute need to examine if it amounts to any offence under IPC or IT Act, and shall report to appropriate authorities including police.
- The public authority should inform the individual officers, if their rights are breached by misuse, they have a every right to complain as per law and public authority shall facilitate such action, if the misuse obstructs the normal course of functioning of the institute.
- The concerned authorities to take immediate action if the information given to appellant in this case is abused or spread in social media or elsewhere, and they shall not give any information to this appellant if files similar RTI requests. The public authority should take note that employees or colleagues like Ms.Tarika, Ms.Amita Dev have a right to seek compensation from public authorities if they ignore or neglect their privacy rights by indiscriminately giving information in the absence of public interest. It is pathetic to note that the PIO could not ascertain that there was no public interest in this case but appellant has malicious interests in harassing others or building pressure on authorities in self-interest. The authorities have a duty to protect other employees from such misusers. This kind of misuse to build up pressure against taking action on misconduct or to secure promotion should be treated as disqualification.
- The public authority should provide necessary training to the PIOs and other staff members to verify the nature of appellant and if they found him to be misuser, tell them not to give information like medical claims of third parties.
To Read CIC Order visit at:
Verification of Membership for recognition of service Association under CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 – Regarding.
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/Verification/2016 Dated : 20/4/2016
The Director (SR & Legal),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Verification of Membership for recognition of service Association under CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 – Instructions - Regarding.
Ref. : Directorate Memo No. 13-1/2015/SR dated 9/6/2015, 23/6/2015 and 5th August 2015
Respected Sir,
Your kind attention is invited to above captioned letters and it is requested to kindly intimate the final outcome of re-verification process Union / Association wise for the information to the members of this Association.
Hoping for positive action and line in reply.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Posted by AIAIPASP
Postal Officers felicitated for outstanding work in SSA and APY
SSPOs Kolhapur Division and SPOs, Thane West Division all set to receive Civil Services Day awards from Hon'ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra State Shri Devendra Fadnavis today in a function at Mumbai.
The awards are for outstanding performances in opening of SSA by SSPOs Kolhapur Division and APY by SPOs Thane West Division. Both these officers have done good job in the year 2015-16 and make the circle proud.
Voluntarily Retirement
Shri Anant V Patil, Senior
Postmaster, Nagpur City HO, Nagpur
Region is retiring from Government Service on Voluntarily on 18.04.2016.
This Association Wishes him a very Happy
and Healthy Retired Life
Mumbai Postal: Special Cover Captures the BRICS Cities Conclave f...
Mumbai Postal: Special Cover Captures the BRICS Cities Conclave f...: Dignitaries at the photo-op following the release of the Special Cover. An image of the cover is displayed on the electronic screen in...
7th Pay Commission: Group of secretaries to recommend 15 percent more pay
New Delhi: The Sen Times has learned an average increase of 15 percent pay of central government employees more than Pay commission recommendations, is likely to be suggested by the group of secretaries, who is examining the 7th Pay Commission report.
The 7th Pay Commission’s report was published on November 19.
An estimated 48 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners across the country receive the pay , which currently stands on Sixth Pay Commission recommendations and it’s unable to neutralise the impact of inflation, which are being faced by the central government employees.
The pay of central government employees has been set at this level since 2006, adopting the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations. which is to be change with effect from January 1, 2016, for a period of 10 years.
The group of secretaries is likely to increase the minimum entry level salary of a government employee to the range of Rs 20,000 to 20,500 against Rs 18,000 recommended by the Commission headed by Justice A k Mathur who submitted the report in November this year.
Consequently, it would push up employees’ 15 percent basic pay hike at the all levels beyond the Seventh Pay Commission report.
Click here to read the complete article
Posted by AIAIPASP
7th Pay Commission: Government employees to get in hand only 50% of increased salary?
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - 22:37
New Delhi: Government is looking at a scheme for encouraging its employees to invest part of their 7th pay commission salary hike in a fund which would be used for recapitalisation of state-owned banks.
High income government official, according to officials, could be roped in to invest in the fund by offering lucrative incentives like tax break or higher return.
As per the proposal, higher income government staff from the rank of section officer may be asked to shell out 50 percent of increased salary towards bank capitalisation bonds, the officials said.
Top officials of the finance ministry had preliminary discussion over the issue last week, officials said. However, no decision has been taken yet, they said, adding that Committee of Secretaries is looking into the matter and various alternatives are being considered.
This proposal is being considered to find more resources for recapitalisation of public sector banks which are saddled with gross non-performing assets (NPAs) of Rs.3.61 trillion at the end of December 2015, as against Rs.39,859 crore in the private sector.
Gross NPA ratio as percentage of advances rose to 7.30 percent while for private banks, it stood at 2.36 percent as of December-end.
RBI has asked public sector banks to clean up balancesheets by March next year. Cleaning to books would require additional capital infusion than what has been envisage in the ‘Indradhanush’.
Last year, the government had announced a revamp plan ‘Indradhanush’ to infuse Rs.70,000 crore in state-owned banks over four years, while they will have to raise a further Rs.1.1 trillion from markets to meet their capital requirements in line with global risk norms Basel-III. In line with the blueprint, PSU banks were given Rs.25,000 crore in the last fiscal and an equal amount is planned for the current fiscal.
As per the plan, Rs.10,000 crore each would be infused in 2017-18 and 2018-19. It is believed that the government provided as much as Rs.70,000 crore in the Union Budget 2016-17 for implementation of Seventh Pay Commission for 47 lakh government employees and 52 lakh pensioners.
While the Budget did not provide an explicit overall provision number, the government had said the 7th Pay Commission hike has been built in as interim allocation for different ministries and Budget numbers were credible.
Implementation of the pay commission report in toto is to cost the government Rs.1.02 lakh crore.
Source :
Posted by AIAIPASP
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