The Chief Postmaster General,
Maharashtra Circle,
Mumbai 400001
N0: MH/ IPASP/ Aurangabad/ 2015-16 dated at Mumbai the
This is
regarding suspension of Shri Sunil P Kolpak, Inspector (Posts) Degloor Sub
Division, Nanded Division under Aurangabad Region. The said officer is put
under suspension by Supdt of Post Offices, Nanded Division, Nanded w.e.f 18.09.2015 on the grounds of criminal
proceedings, in a case related to NREGS payment.
One Shri Gangadhar
Shinde preferred a complaint before JMFC Court Degloor, against the said
officer. Hon’ble Court directed Police Authority to conduct the enquiry in the
complaint. However, without making enquiries Police has registered FIR against
the said officer and as result the said officer is placed under suspension from
Sir, by the
time it is well established fact that the said officer has no direct or
indirect role in alleged fraud while making payments to NREGS beneficiaries.
The suspension of the said officer is reviewed and further extended up to 180
Sir, the
criminal proceedings initiated against the said officer is likely to take
certain good number of months to finalized moreover it is well known that
payment to beneficiaries is done by BPMs concerned and IP has no role and
relating to enquiries in the complaint the officer has submitted his report to higher
ups from time to time. In view of this his continuance of suspension is wholly
unjustified. Sir, the officer is
recently promoted to IP cadre in the year 13.08.2012 and has excellent track
record, this prolong suspension will definitely adversely affecting the morale
of young inspectors to whom Departments looks as a backbone.
I therefore
on behalf of my Association request you to kindly intervene in the matter and
arrange to issue necessary directions for immediate revocation of
Thanking You
in anticipation!
With New
Year Greetings
Yours Sincerely
(S.D. Kharat)
Circle Secretary
Copy to:-
The Postmaster General, Aurangabad Region, Aurangabad
The Supdt of Post Offices, Nanded Division, Nanded.
Retirement Gr B
Following officers are retiring on 31.12.2015 in Maharashtra Circle.
1) Shri K Y Kamble, AD, O/o Postmaster General. Pune Region.
2) Shri H R Mandave, Manager, MMS, Nagpur.
3) Shri K S Telkar, Sr Postmaster, Dhule HO.
This Association Wishes them a very Happy and Healthy Retired Life
New year Diary for the year 2016
New year Diary for the year 2016 of IP/ASP Association Maharastra Circle is to be released therefore the Google Spread Sheet was issued on the E-mail to fill the Name,Cell Numbers, e-mail ids and Office telephone numbers of all IP/ASPs in Maharashtra, with the telephone numbers of Regional offices and Divisional Offices of Maharashtra Circle.
It is once again requested to all Assistant Circle Secretaries of the region and the members to check the Google spread sheet and make the corrections.
Seventh Pay Commission Recommendations on LTC Rules : Leave Travel Concession (LTC)
Seventh Pay Commission Recommendations on LTC Rules : Leave Travel Concession (LTC)
7th Pay Commission Recommendations on LTC Rules : Leave Travel Concession (LTC)
LTC is granted to Central Government employees to facilitate home travel as well as travel to different parts of the country. Presently two hometown visits are allowed in a block of four years with one hometown visit substitutable with “All India” visit. However, for the first two 4-year blocks, three hometown visits and one “All India” visit are permissible. LTC is not granted to an employee whose spouse is working in Indian Railways.
There are demands to increase the frequency of LTC, especially of the “All India” visit, and extend LTC to foreign countries also. Personnel posted on islands have requested the Commission that splitting of hometown LTC may be permitted so that their families can visit them from the mainland once a year and they (the employees) can also travel to the mainland once a year to visit the family. Personnel of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) have sought parity with other CAPFs for facility of Additional LTC. Railway employees have strongly represented that there are many places that are not connected by rail and in absence of LTC, they are not able to visit these places. Hence they should be allowed the facility of LTC in lieu of certain number of their free passes. Similar sentiments have also been expressed by employees whose spouses are Railway employees.
Analysis and Recommendations : Extension of LTC to foreign countries is not in the ambit of this Commission.
The proposal to split hometown LTC has merit and can be considered. Hence, it is recommended that splitting of hometown LTC should be allowed in case of employees posted in North East, Ladakh and Island territories of Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshadweep. This will enable these employee and their families to meet more often.
Presently, personnel of Defence forces serving in field/high altitude/CI Ops areas are granted one additional free railway warrant. This should be extended to all personnel of CAPFs and the Indian Coast Guard mutatis mutandis.
The facility of Additional LTC should be extended to SSB personnel, at par with other CAPFs.
Regarding bringing Railway employees (and employees whose spouses are Railway servants) into the fold of LTC, the following is recommended:
a. No hometown LTC will be admissible to Railway employees, only “All India” LTC will be granted once in four years.
b. For the grant of LTC, all passes for the current year will have to be surrendered.
c. If the employee has already availed of a pass in any year, then LTC will not be allowed in that year.
d. If both spouses are Railway servants, then surrender of passes of any one of them will suffice.
e. For the purposes of this allowance, year means Calendar year.
WI – FI Service Facility to Railway Passengers
Wi-Fi facility with free access to rail passengers for first 30 minutes in a day is proposed to be provided at all A1 (75), A (332) and B(302) i.e. total 709 railways stations. For period after 30 minutes the service will be available on payment.
Initially the Wi-Fi service is proposed to be provided at 400 nos. of A1 and A category stations. For B category stations Request For Proposal (RFP) issued and date of opening is 23.12.2015.
Initially Wi-Fi project shall be undertaken in phases to cover all A1 and A category stations.
Non-Suburban stations with an annual passenger earning of more than Rs. 60 crores are categorized as A1 stations. Non-Suburban stations with an annual passenger earnings of Rs. 8 crores and upto Rs. 60 crores are categorized as A stations.
RailTel Corporation of India Limited (a Public Sector Undertaking of Ministry of Railways) has entered into a collaboration with M/s. Mahataa Information India Private Limited (an Indian Subsidiary of Google Inc.) for the present, no direct investment has been made so far. The proposed investment will come in the form of providing technology, design and equipment's required for providing Wi-Fi service.
Work of providing of Wi-Fi service within the scope of the collaboration is in progress at 100 category A1 and A stations, after which work at balance 300 category A1 and A stations shall be taken up. For B category stations Request For Proposal (RFP) issued and date of opening is 23.12.2015
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today (10/12/2015).
Source: PIB News
PSI : Thematic Meeting on Gender Equality and Anti-Privatisation

1. Shri Vikas Sharma, Asst. Supdt. Posts (HQ) o/o the SSPOs, Amritsar Division, Amritsar 143001 (Mobile No. 09417226661)
2. Miss Priyanka Sharma, Asst. Supdt. Posts (HQ) o/o the SSPOs, Ludhiana Division, Ludhiana 141001 (Mobile No. 07307377771)
Posted by AIAIPASP
Tentative Zone for consideration for JTS DPC for the vacancy year 2016-17
Directorate has called for the ACRs of following 156 PS Gr. B officers for the period from 2009-10 to 2014-15 for convening DPC for promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. A for the vacancy year 2016-17. All circles are allotted target date to complete the ACRs and its for
malities and handover at Directorate in person.
malities and handover at Directorate in person.
Process to examine the recommendations made in the report of the 7th CPC
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/7CPC-Memorandum/2014 dated : 7/12/2015
Shri Surender Kumar,
Asst. Director General (GDS/PCC)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Process to examine the recommendations made in the report of the 7th CPC.
Ref. : Your letter No. 7-1/2015-PCC dated 26/11/2015
Respected Sir,
IP/ASP Association submits following comments on the recommendations of 7th CPC as far as issues related to the IP/ASP cadre are concerned.
1. This Association would like to bring to your kind notice that, as per the directions from 7th CPC this Association has submitted its Memorandum to the Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission, PO Box No – 4599, Hauz Khas Post Office, New Delhi-110016 under letter of even number dated 1st July 2014. Hon’ble 7th CPC permitted this Association for personal discussion on 7/11/2014 held at Mumbai in which this Association has elaborated the following issues before them in detailed and therefore 7CPC has submitted their recommendations (para 11.8.21) that “Inspector (Posts) who are presently in GP 4200/- should be upgraded to GP 4600/-. With this upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical grade pay as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendents Posts (ASPOs). A higher grade would thus need to be extended to ASPOs. Accordingly, the Commission recommends that the promotional post of ASPOs be placed in the next higher GP 4800 and further, the post of Superintendents (Posts), which is presently in the GP 4800, be moved up to GP 5400 (PB-2)”.
2. This Association would like to bring the following some of the issues related to cadre discussed in earlier pay commission.
a) As recommended by the fifth CPC the Government has introduced Direct Recruitment at the level of Inspectors through Staff Selection Commission for 33.33% of the posts. On the introduction of direct recruitment, the Inspectors of Post Offices are brought on par with Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS without there being any perceptible functional differences, in the matter of duties and responsibilities or in the hierarchical status.
b) The reports of successive Pay Commissions also vouchsafe that the duties performed by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts are more arduous in nature calling for due recognition. The fifth CPC has also observed that neglect of this cadre has been costly (para 30.16 of Volume I of V CPC, Annexure-7). The Government has also accepted the recommendations of successive Pay Commissions to introduce an element of direct recruitment at the level of Inspectors Posts and accordingly the Department has implemented this by earmarking 33.33% for direct recruits selected through Staff Selection Commission.
c) Hitherto the Inspectors Posts were treated on par with Inspectors in other Central Govt. Departments and the fifth Pay Commission in their report recommended uniform pay scale for Inspectors in all the Central Govt. Departments viz. 5500-175-9000. But the Central Govt. has revised the pay scales of Inspectors in Income Tax Department, Central Excise etc. from Rs. 5500-175-9000 to Rs. 6500-200-10500 with effect from 21/4/2004, deviating from its avowed policy that any pay revision for any cadre must also take into account the departmental relativities and revision of pay scales of all those on analogous pay scales.
d) The Sixth Pay Commission also in para 7.6.14 also upheld the views of 5th CPC and recommended :
“ Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher Pay of Rs.6500 – 10500 on par with Inspectors and analogues posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same examination. The Commission is recommending the merger of pre revised pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Assistants in CSS/ Inspectors and analogues posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie with an identical pay scale of as that of their promotion posts of Asst. Supdt. Posts (ASP). ASPOs shall accordingly be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs. 8700- 34800 along with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/. ”
e) The 5th Central Pay Commission reiterated its recommendation that Inspectors of Post Offices and RMS should be merged and upgraded to Rs. 1640-2900 (Rs. 5500-9000 revised) and filled 33.1/3rd% by direct recruitment from the Inspectors' Grade examination of Staff Selection Commission. The scale of pay of Inspector of Post Offices/ Inspector of RMS was revised to Rs.5500-9000 with effect from 01-01-1996 as recommended by the 5th Central Pay Commission as per Office Memorandum dated 06-04-1998. The scale of pay of Rs.5500-9000 granted to the Inspector of Posts which was equivalent to the scale of pay granted to the Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS.
f) The pay scales of the post of Income Tax Inspectors under Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Posts of Inspector of Central Excise were revised from Rs.5500-9000 to Rs. 6500-10500 as per Office Memorandum dated 21-04-2004. The pay scale of the analogous posts of Assistants/PA's in Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) was also upgraded from Rs.5500-9000 to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 w.e.f 15.09.2006 as per Office Memorandum dated 25-09-2006. However, the pay scale of the Inspector of Post/Inspector of RMS under the Department of Posts has not been upgraded to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 without any justifiable reasons.
g) Being aggrieved by the denial of the upgraded scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 to the Inspector of Posts/ Inspector of RMS made admissible to the analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC/ CSS/CSSS some Inspectors of Posts working under Karnataka Circle filed O.A Nos. 424/2006 and 211 of 2007 before the Hon'ble Central Administrative Tribunal Bangalore Bench seeking to direct the respondents to grant the upgraded scale of Rs 6500-200-10500 granted to Inspectors of Income Tax/ Inspector of Central Excise and Customs etc. Since the 6th Central Pay Commission was constituted at that time, the above two O.A's were disposed of by a Common Order dated 27-07-2007 directing the respondents and the applicants to take up the issue before the Sixth pay commission with all necessary details for their consideration and appropriate decision. Accordingly, All India RMS Assistant Superintendents and Inspectors Association filed a Memorandum before the Sixth Central Pay Commission requesting to recommend upgraded pay scale granted to Inspectors of Central Excise and Inspectors of Income Tax and other analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS.
h) Sixth Central Pay Commission in its Report recommended the Merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector Posts on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC and Assistants in CSS and with that upgradation the Inspector Post shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their Promotion post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts and ASPO's shall accordingly be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 alongwith Grade Pay of Rs. 4600. This Recommendation has been accepted by the Central Government with modification as a package. It is submitted that the existing pay Scale of Inspector of Posts was upgraded to Rs. 6500-10500 and to the corresponding scale in revised Pay Band of PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200. PB-2 scale of Rs. 8700-34800 has been accepted enhancing the initial start to PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 as evidenced by Ministry of Finance Resolution dated 29-08-2008.
i) The revised pay scales have been brought into force with effect from 01-01-2006. Thus the analogous posts of Inspector Posts and Inspector of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS were brought in the same Pay Band/Scale of PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with the same corresponding Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- w.e.f 01.01.2006. Subsequently, Ministry of Finance issued O.M. dated 13-11-2009 ordering that the posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500 as on 01-01-2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- in the Pay Band PB-2, will be granted Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- in the Pay Band PB-2 corresponding the pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450-11500 with effect from 01-01-2006. It has been further ordered that in terms of the provisions of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, in case a post already existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450-11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of Rs. 6500-10500 should be merged with the scale of Rs. 7450-11500.
j) In implementation of MOF O.M. dated 13-11-2009 the Inspectors & Analogous Posts of CBDT / CBEC & Assistants CSS have been allowed the benefit of re-fixation of pay. But the Inspectors of Posts were conveniently omitted from the above upgradation and consequential benefits.
k) Thereafter, Department of Posts submitted proposal to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for extending the benefit of MOF OM dated 13.11.09 and 16.11.09 clearly stating that pay scale of Inspector Posts was Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and that the parity agreed to in the pay scales of Inspector Posts with Assistants (CSS) and Inspectors CBDT/CBEC has been disturbed. It was categorically mentioned that Inspector Posts were holders of pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 (Pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500) in the light of recommendation of 6th CPC in para 7.6.14 placing Inspector Posts at par with Assistants and Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and as such they are entitled to the revised grade pay of Rs.4600/- on a par with Inspectors CBDT/CBEC and Assistants. In the combined proposal made by the Department of Posts for Grade pay of Inspector Posts, Assistant Superintendent of Posts and Superintendents of Posts demanding Grade pay of Rs.4600, Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 respectively. However, the proposal was rejected by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance stating that either on the basis of functional justification offered by the Department of Post, or on account of any pre-revising relativities, it is not feasible for the Department of Expenditure to agree with the proposal of the Department of Posts to upgrade the pay scale of Inspectors (posts) and accordingly, Inspectors (Posts) may be placed in the revised pay structure of grade pay of Rs. 4200/- in the pay band of PB-2 as per UO No. 10/1/2010-IC dated 08-03-2010.
l) Aggrieved by the non-sanctioning of Grade Pay of Rs 4600/- to the post of Inspector (Posts), some Inspector Posts filed O.A No. 381 of 2010 before Hon'ble Tribunal at Ernakulam seeking to declare that the Inspector Posts are legally eligible and entitled to the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- in the Pay Band PB-2 which has been granted by way of normal replacement pay structure of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- in the Pay Band PB-2 in terms of MOF Office Memorandum dated 13.11.2009 & 16.11.2009.
m) The O.A No. 381 of 2010 was finally heard and allowed by Order dated 18-10-2011 holding that rejection of grade pay of Rs.4600 to Inspector Posts by the Ministry of Finance does not appear to have taken into account the clear recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission or for that matter the full justification given by the Department of Posts. It has been further held in the judgement that
"By virtue of merger of pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 to Rs. 6500-10500, the same would automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on a par with Assistants in CSS/Inspectors in analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC, what it meant was that from hence, Inspector (Posts) would sail in the same boat as his counterparts in the Income Tax Department or Central Excise or Customs Department or for that matter the Assistants the CSS. The difference in grade pay is not one created by the Pay Commission but the same is due to the fact that as last as in 2009, it is the Government of India which had raised grade pay of the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 that existed as on 01-01-2006 vide Order dated 13-11-2009, whereby posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500 as on 01-01-2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of grade pay of RS. 4200/- in the pay band PB-2 will be granted grade pay of Rs. 4600 in the pay band PB-2 corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 with effect from 01-01-2006. And, if a post already existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450-11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of pay of Rs. 6500-10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of pay of Rs. 7450-11500/-. In fact, had the above enhancement in the grade pay been recommended by the pay commission, it would not have been omitted to consider such an increase in the grade pay of Inspector (Post) as well".
n) The Hon'ble Tribunal further held that there is no justification in denying the Inspector (Posts) the higher Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- when the same is made admissible to Inspectors of other Departments with whom parity has been established by the Sixth Pay Commission as per its report at para 7.6.14. Accordingly, this Hon'ble Tribunal directed the Ministry of Finance to reconsider the matter keeping in tune with the observations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission coupled with the strong recommendations of the Department of Posts and also in the light of the discussions in the above Order at the level of Secretary and to consider the case of the Inspector (Posts) for upgradation of their grade pay at par with that of the Inspector of Income Tax, CBDT and CBEC.
o) In implementation of Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam order dated 18.10.2011, Department of Post recommended the following proposal for grant of Grade Pay of Rs.4600 to Inspector Posts after concurrence of its Integrated Finance Wing :
The hierarchical difference i.e. non-availability of intermediary cadre like Assistant Superintendent posts in CBDT/CBEC and CSSS can be resolved by allowing Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- to Inspector Post in the Department of Post (a GCS Group B Non-gazetted post) and retaining its promotional cadre of Assistant Superintendent of Posts (a GCS Group B gazetted post) also in the identical grade pay of Rs. 4600. In the Accounts cadre, the cadre Accounts Officer is in grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2. Its promotional post of Senior AO is in grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-3 and its further promotional post of ACAO also is in grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-3. This would not thereby involve upgradation of grade pay of Assistant Superintendent of Posts and PS Group B.
p) On rejecting the claim of the Inspector Posts cadre for the GP of Rs. 4600, this Association challenged again by filing one more OA no. 289/13 before Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam Bench. The said OA was allowed and judgment delivered on 16th October 2015 directing the respondent No. 1 i.e. MoF to make appropriate recommendations of pay of Inspector Posts to 7CPC. It is also directed to consider the matter as directed by CAT Ernakulam in OA No. 381/2010 and proposal and justification submitted by DOP.
Demand 1.
In view of the above, this Association states that the recommendations given by 7CPC vide para No. 11.8.21 for Inspector cadre may be implemented in toto.
3. Pay fixation to Assistant Manager MMS / Dy. Manager MMS:
a) 7CPC in its reports nothing is mentioned about Assistant Manager MMS and Dy. Manager MMS. In para No. 11.8.19 Assistant Manager MMS are shown equal hierarchy with Assistant Superintend Posts. Presently, GP of AMM is Rs. 4600 and GP of Dy. Manager MMS is Rs. 4800.
b) 6CPC in para No. 7.6.14 stated that Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same competition. The Commission is recommending the merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) in CBDT and CBEC. With this Upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts)[ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs. 4600. The next higher post in the hierarchy, that of Superintendent (Posts), which is also a promotion post for ASPOs shall be placed in the pay scale of Rs. 7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs. 4800. Parity exists between the posts of Inspector (Posts) and Inspectors in Mail Motor Service (MMS). This parity would need to be maintained and Assistant Managers, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in the higher grade of Rs. 7450-11500 whose corresponding pay band and grade pay is PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs. 4600. Similarly, Manager, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in PB-2 pay band of Rs. 8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs. 4800 which corresponds to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 7500-12000.
Demand 2.
c) In view of (b) above, this Association requests that the GP of AMM should be upgraded to Rs. 4800/- as equal to ASP and GP of Dy. Manager may be considered from existing Rs. 4800 to Rs. 5400 (PB-2). There is further no promotion to Dy. Manager MMS in the cadre.
4. Principles of Pay Determinations :
This Association would like to point out the following regarding pay fixation etc:
Issue 1 :
7th CPC has demanded at para 4.1.9 that “the levels have been rationalised too, displaying a logical progression. Employees would be able to see their level, where they fit in and how they are likely to progress over their career span”.
But it is seen that neither the levels have been rationalised nor logical progression is seen as far as the Level 7 and 8 in the career span.
7th CPC demanded at para 4.1.11 that “ the pay matrix addresses the important issues of adequacy of the compensation structures. The commission observes that the purpose of pay is to compensate the employees for work done, to motivate them to perform well. The purposes also include attracting talent to Govt. Services and also retaining them.”
But what will be the motivation of an employee when he/she is promoted from Level- 6 to Level-7 or from Level- 7 to Level-8 in the sense that Basic Pay after adding 3% in the Level-6 (or Level-7 ) remains thesame in the next Level-7( or Level-8 ). In other words, one promotion happens to be equivalent to one increment only as far as the quantum of Basic Pay is concerned.
Case1: When promoted from GP 4200 (Level-6) to GP 4600 (Level-7)
Suppose Mr X having Basic Pay(BP) Rs 49000 in Level-6 is promoted to Level -7 .
Now , 49000 + 3% of 49000 = 49000 + 1470 = 50470 = 50500 (after rounding off multiple of 100)
Since exact figure 50500 exists in the column of Level-7 of Pay Matrix in para 5.1.25,
BP of Mr X will be in Level-7(4600) = Rs 50500 ----------------- (A) say
If Mr X having Basic Pay (BP) Rs 49000 is not promoted from Level-6 then he will get one 3% increment on the date of increment( 1st July 2016) as usual and his BP will be the very next figure of the Column of Level-6 (4200) which is = Rs 50500 ----------------(B) say
=> (A) = (B)
=> one promotion is exactly equivalent to one increment.
This will happen not only for 49000 at Level-6 but also for each cell of the Column corresponding to Level-6(4200) of the Pay Matrix starting from 44900 i.e. for 44900, 46200, 47600, 49000, 50500, 52000, 53600, 55200, 56900, 58600,60400, 62200 and the figure of each cell onwards, since the starting figure in Level-7(4600) is 44900.
Case2 : When promoted from GP 4600 (Level-7) to GP 4800 (Level-8)
Suppose Mr Y having Basic Pay(BP) Rs 49000 in Level-7(4600) is promoted to Level -8(4800) .
Now , 49000 + 3% of 49000 = 49000 + 1470 = 50470 = 50500 (after rounding off multiple of 100)
Since exact figure 50500 exists in the column of Level-8(4800) of Pay Matrix in para 5.1.25,
BP of Mr Y will be in Level-8(4800) = Rs 50500 ----------------- (C) say
If Mr Y having BP Rs 49000 is not promoted from Level-7(4600) then he will get one 3% increment on the date of increment( 1st July 2016) as usual and his BP will be the very next figure of the Column of Level-7 (4600) which is = Rs 50500 ----------------(D) say
=> (C) = (D)
=> one promotion is exactly equivalent to one increment.
This will happen not only for 49000 at Level-7 but also for each cell of the Column corresponding to Level-7(4600) of the Pay Matrix starting from 47600 i.e. for 47600, 49000, 50500, 52000, 53600, 55200, 56900, 58600,60400, 62200 and the figure of each cell onwards, since the starting figure in Level-8(4800) is 47600.
Explanation : This is happening because of the rationalisation index is same (i.e. 2.62) for Level-6,Level-7 and Level-8.
In General, Level-7(4600) is the sub set of Level-6(4200)
and Level-8( 4800) is the sub set of Level-7(4600)
as far as the cell value of the Pay Matrix of para 5.1.25 is
Para 4.1.19 reveals that the rationalisation index has been applied on the basis of qualification, skill set required as well as roles and responsibilities at various levels. But the Commission did not find any justification for very little higher index at the level of GP 4600, 4800 and 5400(PB-2) though they are the base level managerial cadre and the total structure revolves round their performances and historically, promotional BP was found to be always greater than Incremental BP.
Demand 3:
Slightly higher index is to be fixed at each level of GP 4600 (for Inspector Posts) and 4800 (for Asstt Supdt Posts) -------------(D1), say
in case of Promotion/upgradation, whenever BP in the lower ‘Level’ is found to be same in the higher ‘Level’ i.e. promotional ‘Level’, the BP in the higher ‘Level’ is to be fixed in the immediate next stage i.e. in the next row figure of the concerned higher ‘Level’ - ----------------(D2), say
to see the logical progression , for motivation to perform well, to attract talent and to retain them.
For example of D1 :
Let us assume that the rationalisation index for Level-7(4600) is = 2.64 and
the rationalisation index for Level-8(4800) is = 2.66 -------------------------(AA)
Table -1 Table-2
Proposed by 7thCPC
As per assumption at (AA) above
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Entry Pay
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Hence , it evident from the Table -2 that -
BP of Mr. X in Level-7(4600) will be = Rs 49400 in case of “Case1” above
and BP of Mr. Y in Level-8(4800) will be = Rs 49700 in case of “Case2” above.
ð When the index is slightly higher for Level-7(4600) and Level-8(4800) , Promotional BP will not be equal to the Incremental BP rather little more which is historically true and justified expectation that everyone in the base level managers i.e, IP and ASPs
For example of D2 :
Let us assume that the rationalisation index for Level-7(4600) is = 2.62 and
the rationalisation index for Level-8(4800) is = 2.62 i.e. Index remains unchanged.
Table -1
Proposed by 7thCPC
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Entry Pay
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Hence, if D2 holds true then
BP of Mr. X in Level-7(4600) will be = next row figure of 49000 in Level-7(4600)
= 50500 in case of “Case1” above.
BP of Mr. Y in Level-8(4800) will be = next row figure of 49000 in Level-8(4800)
= 50500 in case of “Case2” above.
ð In case of promotion/upgradation from Level-6(4200) to Level-7(4600) , if BP in Level-6(4200) is found to be same as that of Level-7(4600) then BP in the Level-7(4600) is to be fixed in the very next stage i.e. in the very next row figure of pay matrix. And
In case of promotion/upgradation from Level-7(4600) to Level-8(4800), if
BP in Level-7(4600) is found to be same as that of Level-8(4800) then BP in
the Level-8(4800) is to be fixed in the very next stage i.e. in the very next
row figure of pay matrix.
Issue 2:
The 7CPC has recommended the multiplication factor 2.57 (= 18000/7000) on the basis of minimum pay of Rs 18000 shown in the annexure of Chapter 4.2 where 7000 is the minimum pay after implementation of 6th pay commission.
Now, if we analyse the calculations made in the “Annexure of Chapter 4.2(page No. 65)” to arrive at the minimum pay of Rs 18000, we will find that the commission has adopted the two methods, to increase the given number w r t certain percentage, namely –
Suppose, the given no. is 100 and the 20% is to be increased .
Method-1 :
( Adding 20% of 100 = 100X 0.20 = ) + 20
Here the “base” is taken as 100.
Method-2 :
Here 100 is divided by 0.80 to arrive at a total, of which 20%provides the increase i. e.
(20% of 125 =) + 25
(100 Divided by 0.80 ) = 125
Here the “base” is taken as 125.
Now in both the methods of calculations the % of increase is same (20%), but with respect to what i.e. Base is different. That is why, the net effect is coming to different figure namely 120 and 125 in Method-1 and Method-2 respectively.
Out of total 5 cases of % of increase the commission has applied Method-2 in 3 cases and Method-1 in 2 cases without giving any justification for choosing the particular Method of calculation for a particular case of % of increase. The Commission has applied Method-2 in 3 cases out of 5 cases which implies that the Commission is more inclined to adopting Method-2.
Hence it will not be any wrong and should be acceptable to Govt to apply Method-2 for all 5 cases as far as the mathematical calculation is concerned. -----------------(A1) say
Here the 5 cases of % of increase ( in Chapter 4.2) are -
i) Fuel, Electricity, Water Charges : 20% ( fixed by 15th ILC, 1957)
ii) Marriage, Recreation, Festivals etc : 15%( taken by 7th CPC in lieu of
25% )
iii) Skill factor : 25% (adopted by 6th CPC and also
retained by 7th CPC)
iv) House Rent : 3%( Moderated from 7.5% as per
15th ILC norm)
v) DA increase : 3% (being the 50% of DA i.e. 6%
on 01.01.2016)
Now let us calculate the minimum pay on the basis of A1 above in the following Table-MP1.
Calculation of Minimum Pay as on 01.01.2016 in case of A1
| |||||||
Per day PCU
Per month 3 PCU
Pric/Unit (Rs)
Expenses (Rs)
| ||
same as Annexure to Chapter 4.2 of 7CPC Report
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| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
Total( 1-14)
| |||||
Fuel , Electricity, Water Charges
| |||||
Total-(15) divided by 0.8
| |||||
Marriage, Recreation, Festivals, etc.
| |||||
Total-(17) divided by 0.85
| |||||
| |||||
Total-(17) divided by 0.75
| |||||
Housing @
| |||||
Total - Divide no. 21 by 0.97
| |||||
% of Projected DA on 01.01.2016
| |||||
Total - Divide no. 23 by 0.97
| |||||
Rounding off multiple of 1000
Since skill factor includes various additional items it may not be wrong to increase it by 3% i.e. from 25% (as adopted by 6th CPC and retained by 7th CPC) to 28%. ------------------(A2), say
Keeping the percentages of other 4 cases unchanged, the minimum pay on the basis of A1 and A2 above is calculated in the following Table-MP2.
Calculation of Minimum Pay as on 01.01.2016 in case of A1 and A2
| |||||||
Per day PCU
Per month 3 PCU
Pric/Unit (Rs)
Expenses (Rs)
| ||
same as Annexure to Chapter 4.2 of 7CPC Report
| ||||||
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| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
Total( 1-14)
| |||||
Fuel , Electricity, Water Charges
| |||||
Total-(15) divided by 0.8
| |||||
Marriage, Recreation, Festivals, etc.
| |||||
Total-(17) divided by 0.85
| |||||
| |||||
Total-(17) divided by 0.72
| |||||
Housing @
| |||||
Total - Divide no. 21 by 0.97
| |||||
% of Projected DA on 01.01.2016
| |||||
Total - Divide no. 23 by 0.97
| |||||
Rounding off multiple of 100
Now in both the cases Approach -1 and Approach-2 the minimum pay is found to be Rs 20000.
So the multiplication factor should be 20000/7000 = 2.857 = 2.86 ( after rounding off)
Demand 4:
Minimum pay should be Rs 20000 on the basis of either of the two Approaches and thereby the multiplication factor should be Minimum 2.86.
5. Common demands for consideration :
7CPC para No.
Recommendations by 7CPC
1.Commission did not recommend any up gradation for Senior Post Master as the post of Superintendent.
2. Commission recommends that while 25 percent of the posts of Senior Post Master may continue to be filled up from Post Master Gr.III through seniority based promotions, eligible officers from the Post Masters’ cadre (Postmaster Gr. II and Postmaster Gr.III) may also be permitted to appear for LDCE along with Inspector (Posts) for the balance 75 percent of the Senior Postmasters’ posts.
1. From the inception of PM cadre neither exam was conducted nor DPC held for Sr. PM. Apart many CAT cases also pending in various Tribunals.
2. Now 7th CPC recommended allowing PM Grade II and III officials to appear in Sr. PM Exam along with Inspector Posts.
3. It is advisable to abolish Sr. PM Cadre and re-curved into PS Group B. So following issues solve automatically.
(i) Pay upgradation from 4800 to 5400 as PS Group B.
(ii) PM Grade II and III will not appear in Sr. PM Exam as recommended by 7thCPC.
(iii) All pending CAT cases will settle.
(iv) At present ASPs are not allowed to appear in Sr. PM Exam, will appear in PS Group B Exam as according.
(v) 6 Years service in IP cadre to appear in Sr. PM Exam will solve.
Training Allowance
1. 24% of basic pay in the National/Central Training Academies and Institutes for Group `A’ officers
2. 12% of basic pay in other Training Establishments
1. Prior to 6th CPC uniform training allowance was being paid i.e. 15% of Basic pay.
2. 6th CPC recommended 30% of basic pay to all training academies.
3. Govt. accepted 30% training allowance for training institutes of Group ‘A’ officers and 15% for others.
4. It is demanded that training allowance will be paid uniform to all training institutions at the rate of 30% of basic pay.
The training allowance will be payable to an eligible employee for a maximum period of Five years only during the entire career.
It will be increased by ten years instead of five years.
8.15.15 (a)
Reimbursement of staying accommodation charges
It will be increased by Rs. 3000, 1000 and 750 instead of Rs. 2250, 750 and 450 respectively.
| ||
Ceiling for Reimbursement
| ||||
9 to 11
Rs. 2250
| ||||
6 to 8
Rs. 750
| ||||
5 and below
Rs. 450
| ||||
8.15.15 (b)
Reimbursement of travelling charges
It will be rounded off to next 50. i.e. Rs. 350, Rs. 250 and Rs. 150 for Rs. 338, Rs. 225 and Rs. 113 per day respectively.
| ||
Ceiling for
| ||||
9 to 11
Rs. 338 per day
| ||||
6 to 8
Rs. 225 per day
| ||||
5 & below
Rs. 113 per day
| ||||
Composite Transfer and Packing Grant is recommended at the rate of 80 percent of last month’s Basic Pay.
CTG may continue to be paid at the rate of 100 percent of last month’s Basic Pay
| ||
Presently CEA is payable up to Class XII.
CEA should be increased to Graduate and Post Graduate studies.
| ||
All Interest free advances abolished.
Following interest free advances should not be abolished and continue as usual.
1. Advance of pay on transfer.
2. Advance of TA on Tour/Transfer/Retirement.
3. Advance of LTC.
4. Advance in connection with medical treatment.
| ||
Interest-bearing Advances:
Motor Car Advance-Rs.1,80,000 on first occasion and Rs.1,60,000 subsequently OR 8 months’ Basic Pay OR anticipated price of car, whichever is least.
Motorcycle / Scooter/Moped Advance :
Rs. 30000/- on first occasion and Rs. 24000/- subsequently or 4 months’ Basic Pay or anticipated price of Motorcycle / Scooter/Moped, whichever is least Rs. 20000/- or anticipated price of Moped only, whichever is less
These advances abolished.
This advance should not be abolished.
It will be continue with double the existing amount or actual price of the goods whichever is less. | ||
Commission recommended for Deletion of Rent Free Accommodation.
It should be continued.
| ||
8.5.1 to 8.5.7
Deputation allowance:
1. It was demanded by the CPC that percentages of Deputation allowance be doubled and that the ceilings be removed.
2. 7th CPC recommended that the ceilings should be raised by a factor of 2.25 to Rs.4,500 per month for deputation within the same station, and to Rs.9,000 per month for deputation involving change of station. But the CPC recommended to maintained status quo regarding rate of deputation allowance. i.e. 5% and 10% for local and out station respectively.
If CPC not recommended double of the deputation allowance as demanded then it is again demanded to increase it 1.5 times as follows:
7.5% for deputation within the same station and 15% for deputation involving change of station.
| ||
Family Planning Allowance :
Commission recommended for abolition
It should be continued
| ||
Festival Advance :
Commission recommended for abolition
It should be continued up to level 8
| ||
6. Proposed demands for consideration :
a) Demand 1 in Para2, Demand 2 in Para3, Demand 3 &4 in Para 4 and demands in Para 5 above.
b) Annual Increment Rate may be increased from 3% to 5% and may be provided on 1st July every year.
c) Annual Increment Rate may be given to the employees retiring on 30th June.
d) Two increments at the time of promotion may be provided as the recommendations have not been made any replacement for GP difference being provided at the time of promotion.
e) Recommendations mentioned in para 5.1.40 that MACPs may be provided in immediate next level in the hierarchy may be made more clear so that it is clearly mean for Post Hierarchy / Cadre Hierarchy existing in cadre structure of Department and bench mark for MACP should be maintained as status quo.
f) Status quo may be maintained for HRA i.e. 10%, 20% and 30% without rationalization.
g) The ceiling of 5% over the DR vacancies imposed over Central Govt. Employees during compassionate appointment may be removed and it may be made 100%.
h) Appointment / Promotion through Departmental Examination should not be counted for MACPs.
i) CCL for all two years may be granted with full salary. Its benefit should also be extended to single male parent.
j) Productivity Linked Bonus to all level officers
k) Minimum pension should be Rs. 10000 + 500 medical allowance.
l) Productivity Linked Bonus to all officers
m) One LTC to Abroad allowed once in a 10 years to officers from level 7 and above
n) Furniture and furnishing allowance of Rs 2,00,000 to every officers from level 7 and above once in the entire service career subject to provision of bills and documents
o) Study leave should be given to Inspector (Posts) / Asst. Supdt. Posts also.
p) Deputation to Inspector cadre officers to other Department.
q) Non Functional Financial Up-gradation to officers in level 8.
It is requested to kindly consider and recommend the above comments/views of this Association for the betterment of the govt. employees.
With respectful regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
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