GS Desk...Repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to Home Circle – Reg.
CHQ Qtr. No. 12, P & T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi
110 054.
Sureshkumar Sharma
Superintendent of RMS,
“I” Division,
Office : 01812/282950
Mobile : 08054964510
Email :
Vilas Ingale
Superintendent (Stg.)
APSO Inland,
Mumbai 400099.
Office: 022/26156662
Mobile : 09869417961
Email :
Santosh Kulkarni
ASP (Philately) o/o CPMG, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai
Office : 022/22623239
Mobile: 09833218109
Email :
GS/IPASP/Repatriation/2013 dated 26/3/2013
Ms P
of Posts,
Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
Delhi 110 001.
Sub : Repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to Home
Circle – Reg.
Ref. : Directorate file No. 9-11/2013-SPG Dt. 15.02.2013
This Association would like to bring
to your kind notice that Directorate vide memo No. 9-23/2012-SPG dated
28/12/2012 has issued promotion and postings in Postal Service Group “B” cadre
for the vacancy year 2012-13 for 210 officers and again unexpectedly list of 6
officers was issued on 5/3/2013. It may be seen from file at Directorate that,
this Association had issued series of letters for timely convening of DPC for
the promotion to PS Gr. B cadre but every year DPC for promotion to PS Gr. B
cadre was delayed for one or other reasons thereby effecting efficiency of the
Directorate while sensing worsening position of PS
Group ‘B’ cadre in Punjab and Karnataka and to cope up with the shortage
problem, favourably issued repatriation/re-allotment orders of some of the PS
Group “B” officers against future vacancies arising upto 31/3/2013. During the
course of informal meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (Posts) on 6/2/2013 this
vital and appreciable issue was discussed in detail citing the worsening
position of Tamil Nadu circle occurred due to enblock promotion in PS Group “B”
through LDCE. It was assured by your honour that the officers who have
completed one year service will be repatriated to their home circle against the
existing vacancies. Despite bringing this fact to the notice of Directorate
vide letter of even number dated 1/3/2013, nothing has been heard till date
what to say of repatriation before completing one year.
Madam, you will agree that a large number of
STS/JTS vacancies are lying vacant in Circles since long and PS Group “B”
officers are officiating against these posts creating resultant vacancies in
Group “B” in circles and imbalance thereof upto ASP/IP level affecting timely promotion
in each cadre. Only repatriation can minimise the imbalance occurring in the
circles and bring respite to the affected persons. It is pertinent to mention
here that hitherto General line officials promoted through LDCE have been given
same Circle for the last two years ignoring the right of IP Cadre promotees who always have had acted as a part
of Administration shouldering the responsibilities for implementation of Govt
policies and discharged them at all cost. Punjab and Andhra Pradesh Circle are
set examples of this discrimination. Resultantly, immense hard work of 25 years
in IP Cadre could not bring any solace in one’s career progression and our
members are left to join at a distant place or forced through backdoor to give
refusals and to work in IP/ASP cadre only. In this way, discrimination has been
handed over to our members being no fault of them.
It is understood that Directorate vide letter No.
9-11/2013-SPG dated 15.02.2013 had issued directions to circles for completion
of joining process of promotion ordered by targeted date 28.12.2012 and
submission of vacancy reports by 8/3/2013. The exercise has since been
completed now. It is therefore once again requested to kindly look into this
matter sympathetically and cause issue of repatriation orders at the earliest.
With seasonal greetings,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Amitabh Bachchan appeals for dry 'HOLI'

Big B took to his Twitter to request his millions of followers to play dry Holi as the state is experiencing one of its worst droughts in the last 40 years.
"Water shortage in Maharashtra... and its only March. What will happen in Summer? Save water! Play a dry Holi," Bachchan tweeted. Similar sentiments were echoed by actors like Hrithik Roshan and Riteish Deshmukh.
Hrithik has decided to refrain from joining the Holi revelry this year. "Hrithik won't be celebrating Holi as a mark of solidarity with those who are suffering from the acute water shortage in Maharashtra. Instead, he will only use only a small amount of gulaal to apply a shagun tika as part of the traditional ritual," a source close to the actor said.
Actors Riteish Deshmukh and Ranvir Shorey also tweeted, expressing their concern over the issue.
"The drought situation in Maharashtra is extremely serious this year. Need of the hour is to save water. This holi say NO 2 water. #DryHoli," Riteish said.
"Be scared. Be very scared," tweeted Ranvir Shorey,
Mr Paulo Meghalhaes of Portugal is the father of this activity.this activity commenced from 14 th July,2005.
Through this activity the first Ten lakhs cards were exchanged by April 2008 and not surprisingly 1.5 crore cards were exchanged by December 2012. Today , Postcrossing activity has 3.80 Lakh registered members spread over 215 countries of the world.
On an average 1000 postcards are being exchanged every hour through this activity.
By doing this activity we get to know
- Cultural facts about different countries.
- Curriencies and flags
- New Friends
- New Languages
- Collection of valuable authentic foreign stamps
- Population
- Their flora and fauna
- A smile is ensured whenever we receive a postcard.
It is very simple .We have to register our name through then we have to follow below mentioned steps.
- Request an address from the website
- Mail a picture postcard to the address a/w generated through system by affixing stamp of Rs 12/- ( picture postcards are available at nearest Headpost office)
- Wait to receive a postcard and
- Register the received postcard in the system.
Postmaster General North Karnataka region Dharwad 580001 is making efforts to popularize Postcrossing in their region as well as all over india.
My Stamp Scheme
'My Stamp' was introduced in the country during the World Philatelic Exhibition in 2011 in Delhi. ‘My Stamp’ has two parts - the value part having a regular postage stamp and the personalized part which could be a thumbnail photograph of the customer, logos of institutions, images of artwork, heritage buildings, famous tourist places, historical cities, wildlife, animals and birds etc. The personalized part only is not a legally valid stamp.
So far 12,17,496 ‘My Stamps’ have been prepared/issued.
The facility is offered in selected post offices, generally for a limited period during special events, at the discretion of the Heads of Postal Circles.
This information was given by Dr. Smt Killi Kruparani, Minister of State for C&IT in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
So far 12,17,496 ‘My Stamps’ have been prepared/issued.
The facility is offered in selected post offices, generally for a limited period during special events, at the discretion of the Heads of Postal Circles.
This information was given by Dr. Smt Killi Kruparani, Minister of State for C&IT in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
GS Desk... RTI case filed by GS to get details of vacant post of IPs (Direct Recruit)
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/RTI-IPO-Rectt/2013 Dated : 6/3/2013.
The Director (Staff)
and CPIO, Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Information under Right to
Information Act, 2005.
Respected Sir,
There is acute shortage of Inspector Posts
(IPs) in almost all circles due to non recruitment of direct quota vacancies
through Staff Section Commission. Hence, the following information may kindly
be furnished under RTI Act, 2005 please.
Total sanctioned strength of Inspector
Posts on the establishment of each Circle as on 1/1/2013.
Also provide separately for Direct
Quota (through SSC) & Promotion Quota (LDCE).
Total working strength of Inspector Posts
on the establishment of each Circle as on 1/1/2013.
Also provide separately for Direct
Quota (through SSC) & Promotion Quota (LDCE).
number of vacant posts of Inspector Posts on the establishment of
each Circle as on 1/1/2013.
Also provide separately for Direct Quota
(through SSC) & Promotion Quota
Total number of Inspector Posts
allotted to each Circle by SSC from the year 2003 to 2012 and number of
candidates joined from the said allotment and number of posts remained vacant
year wise from the year 2003 to 2012.
Please provide the copies of
requisitions sent by DOP to Staff Selection Commission from the year 2003 to
2012 for filling up Direct Quota vacancies of Inspector Posts in DOP.
Please provide the copies of reply
received from SSC to DOP i/c/w above item.
Please intimate the total number of
Inspector Posts (Direct Rectt Quota) not available as on 1/1/2013 due to
their non-joining the post in each circle year wise from the year 2003.
Please intimate the number of
Inspector Posts (Direct Rectt Quota), who left the jobs after joining in the
Inspector Posts cadre in each circle year wise from the year 2003.
Please intimate how many of them
have joined post carrying Grade pay of Rs.4600/- in other
Please intimate how many direct
recruit Inspector Posts took transfer under Rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV
from allotted circle to other circle and give the details of such transfers.
Intimate steps taken by the DOP to
prevent the drainage of Direct Rectt Inspector Posts.
required fee in shape of IPO No. 00F-609602 dated 4-3-2013 for Rs. 10/- of Air
Port PO Mumbai is enclosed herewith.
is requested to kindly arrange to furnish the above information by registered post
only on the above address.
(Vilas Ingale)
Retirement....March 2013
Shri N. R. Lonare, Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Chandrapur Division (Nagpur Region) is retiring on superannuation on 31/3/2013.
Our Associations Vice President Shri M. B. Dapase has cordially invited to all members of Association (IPs/ASPs) for Annual Day Celebration scheduled to be held on 16th March 2013 (Saturday) at Worli MMS Depot in the evening. Satyanarayan Pooja is also arranged on that on that day.
To see copy of Invitation, please Click here
CVC received 7200 corruption complaints in 2012
New Delhi : More than 7,200 complaints of corruption against government employees were received by the Central Vigilance Commission last year, the Lok Sabha was today informed.
"It (CVC) has received 7,227 cases (including 1,696 cases brought forward from the previous year) and tendered advice in 5,720 cases during the year 2012," Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions V Narayanasamy said in a written reply.
"It (CVC) has received 7,227 cases (including 1,696 cases brought forward from the previous year) and tendered advice in 5,720 cases during the year 2012," Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions V Narayanasamy said in a written reply.
Source : CHQ blog
GS Desk.....DPC for the promotion to JTS Gr. A cadre.
Despite providing all the requisite records to UPSC, date for convening DPC for promotion to JTS Gr. A cadre is still awaited from UPSC. Directorate is persuing the matter.
GS writes to Secretary (Posts) regarding Non implementation of MACP.
No. CHQ/IPASP/MACP/UTR/2012 Dated : 4/3/2013.
Ms P. Gopinath,
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Sub: Non Implementation of Modified Assured Carrier Scheme for Inspector Posts /Asstt. Supdt. Posts Cadre in true spirit particularly in Uttarakhand Circle and others in General.
Respected Madam,
Kindly refer to this Associations letter of even number dated 10/12/2012 wherein justice being denied to our members due to non convening of DPC for grant of timely MACP by Circles particularly Uttarakhand Circle was brought to the notice of the then Secretary (Posts) but unfortunately no attention seems to have been paid at Directorate level towards above said letter. Resultantly the Circles are taking every communications from Circle Secretaries very lightly and no due consideration is bestowed to our genuine demands. The members are taken as granted every time and none of the demands has been settled in our favour.
Convening of timely DPCs and draw up panel for future vacancies is otherwise also obligatory on the part of administration and legitimate right of the employees as given in DOP&T’s OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19/5/2009, which interalia, provides that in order to prevent undue strain, the Screening Committee shall follow a time-schedule and meet twice in a financial year - preferably in the first week of January and first week of July of a year for advance processing of the all cases for grant of MACP maturing in that half. Directorate Memo No. 4-7(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18th September 2011 also refers.
It will be worth mentioning here that Uttarakhand Circle has not convened DPC for grant of 1st, 2nd or 3rd financial up-gradation to IP/ASPs fully till today though it was due in January 2011 and July 2011. Now you can well imagine the apathy of circles. Whereas, despite having clear instructions, in Uttarakhand Circle IPs/ASPs are made to suffer that results in considerable frustration amongst IPs/ASPs and this also adversely affect their morale.
Madam, department should realize that Inspector Post cadre is the most isolated and depressed cadre due to non Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- and now they are struggling even to get next Grade Pay under MACP. In case this is the level of justice being conferred to our members, it is not understood why department is expecting extra from the Inspector Posts (IP) cadre and all the schemes are virtually tried to devolve to this cadre for implementation. In case department intend to have cooperation from IP cadre the department should also take care of the demands of the cadre. In view of our genuine problems, it is once again requested that suitable instructions may kindly be passed to all Circles to complete pending MACP promotions immediately.
With Warm Regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Copy forwarded to :
The Chief PMG, Uttarakhand Circle, Dehradun-248001.
Govt to launch website for e-postal order by March end
NEW DELHI; A website to help Non-Resident Indians(NRIs) to pay the fee for filing RTI applications throughe-postal order is all set to be launched by this month end.
The website will have an option for NRIs to pay the fee of Rs 10 via credit or debit cards to the government while exercising their Right to Information, official sources said.
The Department of Personnel and Training, which act as a nodal agency for the implementation of the RTI Act, has worked out all the modalities along with theDepartment of Posts for the purpose, they said. The facility, which is likely to be made online by this month end, will also be extended for citizens living across the country, the sources said.
The DoPT has already floated a tender for an RTI call centre and website project which will help an applicant to file applications online under the transparency law and receive the response. ET News
The website will have an option for NRIs to pay the fee of Rs 10 via credit or debit cards to the government while exercising their Right to Information, official sources said.
The Department of Personnel and Training, which act as a nodal agency for the implementation of the RTI Act, has worked out all the modalities along with theDepartment of Posts for the purpose, they said. The facility, which is likely to be made online by this month end, will also be extended for citizens living across the country, the sources said.
The DoPT has already floated a tender for an RTI call centre and website project which will help an applicant to file applications online under the transparency law and receive the response. ET News
Transfer/ Posting
Shri Gaurav Shrivastav APMG (MR ) has been transferred to Directorate New Delhi as Asstt Director General ( International Mails) he will be relieved on 01.03.2013. This association wish him Best of Luck for his new assignment.
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