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Question Bank-PO Guide II

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Rojgar Jagrukta Puraskar

Shri A. K. Singh, Sub Divisional Inspector (Postal) Gariaband Sub Division (under Raipur Postal Division) Chhattisgarh is selected for Razgar Jagrukta Puraskar for the year 2012-13.  Award presentation ceremony will be held on 2/2/2013 at 10.00 hours at Vidnyan Bhavan New Delhi in the present of Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh JI. Shri A. K. Singh is presently working as Circle Secretary for Chhattisgarh Circle. 

I, on behalf of Maharashtra Circle, congratulate the officer and his team. 
                                Faith in words, Pride in our Heart, Memories in our Souls.
                                                      Let’s salute the Nation on                           
                                                                  REPUBLIC DAY.                               
                                    Happy republic day!                                                                               


Promotion & Postings in HAG Cadre.

Source : Postal Directorate memo No. 1/1/2009-SPG dated 22/1/2013. To view memo CLICK HERE.

S. No.
Present Post
Post on promotion
T. Murthy
PMG Aurangabad
CPMG Assam
M. S. Ramanujan
CPMG Uttarakhand
CPMG Uttarakhand
B. V.  Sudhakar
On deputation
On deputation
O. S. Veerwal
CGM PLI Directorate
CPMG Rajasthan
Kulbir Singh
PMG (BD, Tech & Mktg.) TN Circle
CPMG Chhattisgarh
Brig. S. Thaper
PMG Mumbai
CPMG Gujarat
Col. K. C. Mishra VSM
PMG Pune
CPMG Maharashtra
Maj. Gen A. K. Shori
On deputation
On deputation
PMG Coimbatore
CPMG Himachal Pradesh
DDG (FS) Directorate
CPMG Jharkahan
G. Bhuyan
PMG Chennai City
CPMG Bihar
J. Panda
CPMG Chhatisgarh
CPMG West Bengal

This Circle Branch congratulate to all officers for their elevation in HAG cadre. 

Source : CHQ blog.

GS Desk.....Repatriation of PS Gr B officers to their parent circle.

No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/1/Repatriation /2013                        Dated : 21/1/2013.

Ms. P. Gopinath,
Member (Personnel),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.

Sub: Regarding issuance of repatriation orders in PS Gr. B cadre.

Ref. : Director (Staff) letter No. 9-18/2012-SPG dated 07/01/2013.

Respected Madam,

       On behalf of IPASP Association I feel obliged for the repatriation orders of ELEVEN PS Group “B” cadre officers issued vide letter referred to above, against the future vacancies i.e. up to 31.03.2013 in the respective Circles. Consequently, the Circles would be benefited and could utilize services of these officers. Besides, the Circles would not have to proceed for short term arrangement, go for adhoc promotions against the guidelines of DOP&T and to face imbalances thereof.

       As you aware, there is no charm left in the promotion, in terms of marginal pecuniary benefits, that too after getting transferred to a distant place at the fag end, when the officer consolidates his service innings. Thus, the only charm left would be to get retire with some solace. Aforesaid repatriation has come for many as bolt from the blue, particularly when the officer is moved from adversaries. Needless to say, that serving at distant circle with different culture, language, food, etc has never been liked by most of all.

      Whereas, aforesaid repatriation orders have brought much cheer to the families concerned, but several similar situated officers are left stranded high and dry. While in respect of Punjab and Karnataka Circles the retirement vacancies arising upto 31/3/2013 has been taken into account, the same principle has not been adopted in respect of other Circles like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh etc. It is also understood that around 60% JTS posts are lying vacant for which DPC is also likely to be held shortly causing a number of Group “B” vacancies. Some others get voluntary retirement. A list of officers retiring in a couple of months against which repatriation can be considered is attached for reference. From the enclosed list you can see that, 5 officers from Tamil Nadu circle are retiring in this month whereas 13 officers of last year’s PS Gr. B batch are still working in other circles where they have already completed more than one year. The representations if any received from individual officer for repatriation to his parent circle and vacancies arises due to refusal of promotion may also be considered at the time of issuing repatriation order to their parent circles.

     It is therefore urged upon kindly to intervene and arrange to issue appropriate repatriation orders against the future vacancies as shown in the enclosed list for the adjustment of affected persons.

     An early action is solicited please.

     With warm regards, 

Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

Question Bank POGuide I

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DPC Updates

DPC for ASP is under process and  likely to be completed by Monday or Wednesday. 20 IPs likely to be accomodated in ASP cadre.

Diary 2013

Today 15.01.2013 our Association Diary  for the year 2013 has been released by the hands of Brig Sanjeev Thapar PMG Mumbai Region .PMG MM , DPS HQ ,DPS MR ,Group officers and IP /ASPs were present for the function.

All the members will receive diary through their ACS of the region. I am sending the regions diary to ACS of the Region. Pl collect the same from him if not received.

Question bank Po Guide part I

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Transfer /Posting Gr B Goa Region

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Transfer/ Postings PS Gr B Aurangabad Region

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Question Bank POGuide Part I

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सर्वांना मकर संक्रांतिच्या तसेच पोंगल च्या  हार्दिक 


तिळगुळ घ्या गोड गोड बोला 

Departmental Examination Calendar -2013

(A) Centralized Examinations : 

1. Inspector of Posts Examination will be held on 7th & 8th September 2013
2. PS Group ‘B’ Examination will be held on 9.6.2013 Sunday 
3. Postmaster Grade-I Exam will be held on 9.6.2013 Sunday
4. LGO Examination for PAs/SAs in Circles will be held on 9.9.2013
5. Junior Engineer (C&E) Examination will be notified after receipt of Question Banks and syllabus revised.
6. Asstt. Engineer (C&E) Examination 
 will be notified after receipt of Question Banks and syllabus revised. 
7. Sr. Postmaster Examination Tentatively proposed to be held in November 2013.
8. PAs/SAs Direct Recruitment Examination 20th October 2013 for 2013 vacancies.
9. Assistant Manager(MMS) will be notified after receipt of revised Recruitment Rules.
10. Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) 
 will be notified after receipt of revised Recruitment Rules. 

(B) Decentralized Examination :

1. Confirmation Examination for direct recruit Jr. Accountants in PAO 11th & 12th May, 2013
2. LDCs to Junior Accountants in PAOs will be held on 15th & 16th June 2013
3. LGOs Examination for promotion to Assistant of other wings i.e. MMS, Foreign Post, RLO, Stores Depot and CO/RO  will be held on 21st July 2013
4. Postman Examination will be held in November 2013 for 2013 vacancies.
5. Direct Recruitment to Multi-Tasking Staff 
 will be held in November 2013 for 2013 vacancies. 
6. Departmental Examination for promotion to LDCs in PAOs from Stores and MTS will be held on 28.07.2013

Question Bank PO Guide Part I

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GS Desk....

GS/AIAIASP/1/2012                                                        dated 11/01/2013

Ms P Gopinath,
Member (Personnel)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.

Subject : Minutes of the meeting taken by Member (Personnel) regarding restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre.

Ref. : Director (SR) letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 6th September, 2012.

Respected Madam,

       On the behalf of IPASP Association I feel privileged to wish you a very Happy New Year and hope that the department will achieve new milestones this year under your intuitive vision and dexterous talent. This Association assures you all support and co-operation to achieve this goal.

      At the same time Association brings to your kind notice some pending issues concerning our cadre which are enhancing the sense of discontentment due to non settlement of the same. It is being kindly recalled that your predecessor concluded meeting lastly held on 18-10-2011 for looking into promotional prospects of IPs/ASPs calling final view point of the Association to merge IP/ASP cadre.

      Since this was a vulnerable issue so Association left the decision for the house to decide. Subsequently, the house decided to request the department to relook in to the issue of merger of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts and call clarification / views on the following points which were sought vide this Associations letters of even number dated 17th July, 2012, 20th September and 1st October, 2012 (copies enclosed).

1. What will be the nomenclature of the merged cadre without Gazetted status.

2. At present, there is separate Appointing / Disciplinary Authority for IP/ASP cadre i.e. DPS is Appointing Authority for IPs and Disciplinary Authority for minor penalties is Divisional Head and for major penalties is DPS. For ASP cadre, CPMG is Appointing Authority and Disciplinary Authority for minor penalties is DPS whereas for major penalties is CPMG. Hence it may be clarified on merger, who will be Appointing Authority and Disciplinary Authority for the merged cadre.

     A copy of Director (SR) letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 6th September, 2012 for issuing clarification on the above enunciation is enclosed for reference but unfortunately it went for no result.

     It is therefore urged to kindly intervene and get these points clarified so that the Association may feel it convenient to discuss this vital issue in the ensuing periodical meeting.

    With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

Question Bank SB/SC Act

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Transfer poststing in PS Gr. B Cadre.

To view the original memo issued by Postal Directorate, please CLICK HERE.

SL. No
As per IPO act 1898 the expression ‘Postage ‘means
The duty chargeable for the transmission by post of postal articles.
As per IPO act 1898 the expression ‘Postage stamps ‘means
Any stamp provide by the ( Central Govt) for denoting postage or other fees or sums payable i/r/o postal articles under this act and includes adhesive postage stamps and stamps printed, embossed, impressed or otherwise indicated on any envelops wrapper, postcard or other articles.
As per IPO act 1898 the expression ‘Post office ‘means
Every house, building, room, carriage or place used for the purposes of the post office and every letter box provided by the post office for the reception of the postal articles.
As per IPO act 1898 the expression ‘Postal articles ‘means
A letter, post card, newspaper, bookpattrern, sample packets, parcel and every articles or thing transmissible by post.
IPO act 1898 section6 provide exemption from liability for loss misdelivery delay or damage unless
The officer has caused the same fradulently or by his willful act or default.
The Rates of inland postage
May be fixed by the Central Govt by notification in official gazette.
 No person shall send by post
Any postal article having there on or on the cover thereof any words, design of an indecent, obscene, seditious character.
 What is the penalty for opening, detaining, or delaying postal articles and under which section
Under section 53 of IPO Act 1898 penalty for opening, detaining, or delaying postal articles shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years  or with fine or both.
Who makes rules as to disposal of undelivered postal articles?
Central Govt may make rules as to to disposal of undelivered postal articles.
Under which section Central Govt provide for the remitting of small sums of money through the post office by means of money order
Under section 43 of IPO act 1898.

promotion from JTS Group A to SAG

To view the orignal memo, please CLICK HERE.

Question Bank - PS Gr B

Questions on Indian Post Office Act 1898
When was the Indian Post office Act enacted?
In 1866 the post office   Act was enacted.
State the section of IPO Act 1898under which addressee remit the postage when such postal article appears to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General to have been maliciously sent for the purpose of annoying the addressee.
Under section 11 of IPO Act 1898
What shall be the prima facie evidence that the sum denoted as due  & under what section of the IPO Act 1898

Under section 15 of IPO Act 1898, the official mark on a postal article denoting any postage or other sum is due shall be the prima facie evidence that the sum denoted as due.
Who will fix the price at which postage stamps shall be sold?
Central Govt may fix the price
Is there a provision in the section that postage stamps to be deemed to be stamps for the purpose of revenue? If so state the section.
Under section 17 of IPO Act 1898 there is a provision.
Chapter VI of IPO Act deals with
a)      Registration,Insurance and VPP.
b)      Condition of Transmission of postal Articles
c)       Undelivered Postal articles
d)      Money orders
ANS -  A
What is the period of detention of money or saleable property not being of a perishable nature found in any undelivered postal article and which section of IPO Act allows such detention.
Under section 39 (b) of IPO Act 1898such articles shall be detained for one year in the office of Postmaster General.

Any wrong payment of a money order within the expiration of one year from the date of  the issue of the order – whether any suit or legal proceeding shall be instituted if so under which section
Yes ,any suit or legal proceeding shall be instituted under section 48 (b)of IPO Act 1898.
Is there any provision of penalty for defiling or injuring post office letter boxes if so up to what amount & under which section?
Under section 62 of IPO Act 1898, person shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine or with both.
What is to be described as property in cases of offences to be laid in the post office?
Under section 71, In every prosecution for an offence i/r/o a mail bag or of any postal article sent by post  it shall be sufficient for the purpose of the charge to describe the mail bag or postal article as being property of the post office.