Postponement of IP and LGO Examinations
Copy of the Dte letter is reproduced below.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Recruitment Division)
DakBhavan, SansadMarg,
New Delhi –110001.
1. All Heads of Circles
2. Addl. D.G. APS, West Block III, Wing No. 5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110067.
3. BD and PLI Directorates
4. Directors, Postal Staff College India, Ghaziabad and Postal Training Centres
Sub: Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LGO) and Inspector of Posts Examination, 2011
I am directed to refer to this office letters No. A-34012/02/2011-DE and No. A-34012/04/2011-DE dated 26-04-2011 wherein the dates of Examination were notified as 4th September 2011 for LGO and 3rd & 4th September 2011 for Inspector of Posts.
2. It is informed that the above mentioned two Examinations have been postponed until further orders. The dates of both the Examinations will be intimated very soon. Please inform all concerned candidates.
3. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully,
(L. Mohan Rao)
Assistant Director General (DE)
Copy forwarded to:-
1. CGM (MB)/CGM (BD)/CGM (PLI)/Secy. (PSB)
2. DDG (P)/All DDsG
3. EA to Secretyary (P)
4. PPS to Secretary (P)/PPS to All Member
Incentive Structure for Procurement of RPLI Business w.e.f. 01.10.2009
(a) 10% of First Year premium towards the RPLI policies procured by them w.e.f.01.10.2009
(b) 10% of total incentive paid to GDS to SDI/ASP- in First Year only.
(c) 2.5% of renewal premium income collected by them in respect of those policies procured on or after 01.10.2009
Additional Commission of 1.5% of premium shall be paid to the Group Leaders/ Entrustees for collecting premium towards 1000 or more such RPLI policies procured on or after 01.10.2009
Source :Directorate of PLI Letter No. 26-02/2009-LI Dated: 18.09.2009)
Courtesy: http://postalinspectors.blogspot.com/2011/08/incentive-structure-for-procurement-of.html
Ban on use of Plastic :
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has notified the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 (amended on 02.07.2011). Under these Rules, sachets using plastic material cannot be used for storing, packing or selling gutkha, tobacco and pan masala. Further, plastic material, in any form, shall not be used for packing gutkha, pan masala and tobacco. No proposal for a complete ban on the use of plastic bags is under consideration of the Central Government.
Under these Rules, the State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees are responsible for enforcement of provisions related to registration, manufacture and recycling and the municipal authorities are responsible for enforcement of provisions related to use, collection, segregation, transportation and disposal of plastic waste. This Ministry has requested the State Governments to review the enforcement of these Rules and take necessary action for putting in place the required implementation and monitoring arrangements for this purpose.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests (independent charge) Shrimati Jayanthi Natarajan in a written reply to a question by Shri Shivarama Gouda , Shri Datta Meghe ,Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan, Shri Sudarshan Bhagat,Shri Arjun Meghwal ,Shri Rajen Gohain and Shri Badri Ram Jakhar in Lok Sabha today.
PIB Release, August 29, 2011
Railway Mail Service
The Minister of State for Communication and Information Technology, Shri Sachin Pilot today informed Lok Sabha in written reply to a question that the Department has a well-established procedure and mechanism for settlement of the grievances of its employees. Personal grievances of the employees are addressed by the administrative units concerned on the basis of receipt of such representations. There is a system of regular meetings with the service unions at Divisional, Regional and Circle Levels for redressal of operational grievances. Periodic meetings also take place at the Directorate level with the national representatives of the Unions to discuss operational issues.
The department takes requisite action with respect to employees grievances based on the representations and through the regular meetings.
The Department of Posts does not issue Railway Pass for RMS employees/families. Department of Posts provides a metal token to the RMS employees traveling in the trains for the purpose of carriage of mail as a proof of identity.
Monthly Season Ticket Free to Student.
The facility of Free Monthly Season Ticket (MST) is available for boy and girl students, for travel n 2nd class of all passenger/local trains between stations serving places of their residence and school/college/Madrasa. In case of boys, this facility is available upto class 12th while in case of girls, it is available upto the level of Graduation which also includes professional/vocational courses such as B. Tech., B.Sc. (Engineering), M.B.B.S. etc.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri K. H. Muniyappa in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
Transfer / Posting in ASP Cadre.
Following transfer and posting orders are issued by CO Mumbai
2 Shri M M Patki, ASP (T), Sindhudurg Division to be ASP, Mumbai RMS, Mumbai.
What is “Hierarchy” ?
Generally we all know that the word ‘Hierarchy’ means ‘an arrangement of items’. The same word plays an important role among the government employees. An employee who gets promoted from lower pay-scale to higher pay-scale as a result of promotion, the formation of pay structure is called ‘Promotional Hierarchy’.
It is very normal that each and every central government employee is eager to get a promotion in his service. The advancement of an employee from one grade to another grade is called promotion. That pattern of pay structure for promotion, which gives one grade to another grade with pay range, is called ‘Promotional Hierarchy’.
In every central government departments, various staff are working together, but their pay differs. Promotion is provided on the basis of their own promotional hierarchy of category of post. Hierarchy is not common for all employees. It maintained ‘Basic Pay Structure’ for every category of post in every department. Even though, the same category of employees working in different departments, they may have also different promotional hierarchy.
Initially in 2008, 6th CPC had recommended the new Grade Pay structure for all Central Government employees, this formation also called ‘Hierarchy of Grade Pay’. This Grade Pay Hierarchy is common for all employees, but ‘Promotional Hierarchy’ will differ to each category. In 5th CPC, the order in pay structure was 3050, 3200, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6500.., but all the employees didn’t get promotion in this order. Every department has different pattern of pay structure for promotion. This is known as ‘Promotional Hierarchy’.
Erstwhile ACP Scheme was based on ‘Promotional Hierarchy’.
The Modified ACP Scheme is based on ‘Grade Pay Hierarchy’.
An employee getting promotion as per his ‘Promotional Hierarchy’, whereas an employee getting MACP upgradation as per ‘Grade Pay Hierarchy’. The Grade Pay has created many anomalies within a single cadre. Hence, all the Trade Unions and Federations summarily rejected and insisted that grade pay of the next promotional post to be granted under the new MACP Scheme instead of granting next higher grade pay in the revised grade pay hierarchy. One more alternative also given by staff side in MACP Core meeting held on 25.2.2010 that the first two MACPs after 10 and 20 years should be to the next promotional post as per the hierarchy of respective department as under the erstwhile ACP scheme and thereafter the third MACP in the next grade pay of the revised pay band and grade pay.
Finally, DOPT has ordered to send the necessary information in respect of specific categories of employees where the MACPS is less advantageous that the erstwhile ACPS. It is based on the discussion with the Staff Side in 3rd meeting of the Joint Committee of MACP Scheme held on 15.03.2011. It identified more in some departments like Railways, Defence, Urban development, Home affairs and Postal.
Source: Extract of the posting in
India Post bags Today's Traveller Award-2011
Department of Posts has won the Today`s Traveller Award for Best Customer Service Organisation for the year 2011. The award was presented by Shri Subodh Kant Sahai, Union Minister of Tourism here on 23rd August 2011.
The award citation says "Department of Posts has done a commendable job in reaching every citizen of India with its path-breaking innovations. There has been a major transformation in Department of Posts’ manpower development, whereby both the front and back office staff and the entire personnel make sincere efforts to understand and address customer`s needs, respond to their inquiries/complaints and provide efficient and reliable services with a good degree of enthusiasm."
The award citation says "Department of Posts has done a commendable job in reaching every citizen of India with its path-breaking innovations. There has been a major transformation in Department of Posts’ manpower development, whereby both the front and back office staff and the entire personnel make sincere efforts to understand and address customer`s needs, respond to their inquiries/complaints and provide efficient and reliable services with a good degree of enthusiasm."
Source : PIB (Release ID :75070)
Inspector Posts Examination will be held on 3/9/2011 and 4/9/2011
The vacancy position of Maharashtra Circle for Inspector Posts Examination for the year 2011 is as under:
OC : 19
SC : 04
ST : 02
Total : 25
Central Working Committee meeting at Patna
No. CHQ/IPASP/CWC/2011 Dated 24.08.2011
Under the provisions of the Article 30 of the Constitution of the Association, it is hereby notified that the Central Working Committee meeting of the Association will be held at Patna (Bihar) on 23rd and 24th September 2011.
Venue: Tourist Bungalow, Kautilya Vihar, Patna 800001
1. Confirmation of the minutes of the last CWC held at Ambaji (Guj) on 16th and 17th Dec. 2010.
2. Up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspectors, Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
3. Restructuring of Inspector, Posts cadre.
4. Revision of rates of remuneration for invigilation duty.
5. Regular Promotion to P.S. Group “B”.
6. MACP Scheme.
7. Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing and its effect on IP and P.S. Gr. “B” cadres.
8. Supply of Laptops for all the IPs/ASPs.
9. Non issue of combined All India Seniority List of IPs from the year 1999.
10. Organizational review.
11. Quota to CHQ by Circle branches.
12. Postal Inspector.
13. Next All India Conference.
14. Any other item with the permission of the chair.
All the CHQ office bearers and Circle Secretaries are requested to attend the meeting well in time.
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Copy to: -
1. Director General (Posts), SR Division, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001
2. All Chief PMsG ( through concerned Circle Secretaries)
3. Shri Dinesh Khare, President & AD (FS), O/o Chief PMG, Kar. Circle, Bangalore 560001
4. All CHQ Office bearers / Circle Secretaries.
5. File
Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011
Minutes of the meeting have been issued by the Postal Directorate vide No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 25.08.2011. A copy of the minutes is reproduced below:-
Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011
Secretary (Posts) took a meeting with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011 to discuss the charter of demands given by the Association with their letter dated 04.07.2011. The following were present:-
Official side Staff side
Member (Personnel) Shri Roop Chand, General Secretary
DDG (P) Shri Dinesh Khare, Preseident
DDG (Establishment) Shri Ajit Kumar, Circle Secretary, Kerala
DDG (Recruitment &Petition) Shri Raj Deo Prasad, Circle Secretary, Bihar
DDG (Establishment) Shri Ajit Kumar, Circle Secretary, Kerala
DDG (Recruitment &Petition) Shri Raj Deo Prasad, Circle Secretary, Bihar
Director (SR &Legal)
The issues raised in the charter of demands were considered by the Committee and a gist of discussions thereof is as follows:
i. The Association was apprised that the proposal to revise the Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs.4200 to Rs. 4600 did not find favour with the Ministry of Finance on the ground that there can not be two levels in the same hierarchy i.e., IPOs & ASPOs, drawing the same grade pay. They were further informed that the proposal could be considered only if IPO & ASPOs cadres are merged into one cadre and the gazetted status of ASPOs is foregone. The Association agreed to submit a revised proposal to be considered by the Department.
ii. A committee will be constituted to look into promotional prospects of the IPOs/ASPOs Action -SR
iii & iv It was explained to the Association how the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre has not , in any way, adversely affected their overall promotional prospects. The Association was also told of the need to encourage meritorious candidates by bringing them on fast track promotion, which will provide stability to the PS Group B/Time Scale Cadres.
v. Supply of laptops to IPOs/ASPOs will be examined. Action – Tech. Div.
vi. The Association was explained that the post of HSG-I was not a promotional post for IPOs and further HSG-I post is non gazetted whereas the post of ASPOs is gazetted . In the background of the above, the proposal could not be considered.
vii. The matter of revision of rate of remuneration for performing duty as invigilators in the Departmental examinations is under process. Action – DDG (Rectt. & Pett.)
viii. The staff side was explained that the proposal regarding promotion earned through examination not to be considered while granting MACP was not in line with this scheme and therefore could not be considered.
ix. The demand of the staff side to hold periodical meeting at regular intervals was accepted. Action – SR
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
All the CHQ Office bearers / Circle Secretaries / Members of the Association are requested to kindly go through the minutes and offer their views to the CHQ through Email / letter so that further action could be taken by the CHQ in the larger interest of the Inspector, Posts cadre.
GS Desk .....Restructuring of IP Cadre
Today, Our General Secretary visited Postal Directorate and met with the Director (SR) to enquire about the outcome of the meeting held on 11.08.2011. The Director (SR) informed our G.S that the minutes of the meeting will be issued in next week and orders for constitution of committee for restructuring of IP Cadre will be issued shortly.
Revised Circle allotment of surplus candidates of IP Exam 2009
Directorate has issued revised orders of Circle allotment of surplus candidates. Details can be viewed by clicking on the following link:
http://www.4shared.com/document/r2Tuyndl/IP_Surplus_Qfd_Cand_R_evised_C.html Modernisation of Department of Posts
Government has approved the ‘IT MODERNIZATION PROJECT’ of Department of Posts for computerization of Post Offices, Mail Offices, Administrative Offices and other field offices. This will involve establishment of required IT infrastructure, development of required software applications with an outlay of Rs.1877.2 crore.
The project has the following salient features:
• It will establish IT infrastructure of Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre and networking of all Departmental Post Offices including appropriate connectivity in the Branch Post Offices in the rural area.
• The project envisages development of integrated modular scalable applications for Mail, Banking, Postal Life Insurance, solutions for Accounts and HR operations of the department.
• The rural post offices will be provided with rural ICT devices with required applications for performing Postal, Savings Bank, Insurance, MGNREGS and Money Order operations.
• Provision has been made for training, change management, capacity building of the employees of the department along with Project Management activity for smooth and timely implementation of the project.
It is planned to network all Departmental Post Offices and Branch Post Offices in the country subject to availability of connectivity and resources under the “India Post Technology Project-2012”.
The departmental Post Offices are proposed to be networked with appropriate connectivity. Branch Post Offices located in rural areas are proposed to be networked using available connectivity at these locations. The rural ICT Devices in the Branch Post Offices will have the capacity to work in both online/offline mode. The IT project is expected to be implemented by 2012-13 subject to the availability of funds.
This information was given by Shri Sachin Pilot, the Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
http://www.pib.nic.in (Release ID :74655)GS Desk .... Issue of instructions to Circles for utilizing the services of 25 officials of IP Line/General Line as Sr. Postmaster
No. CHQ/IPASP/CA/2011 Dated 12.08.2011
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Secretary (Posts)
Department of Posts
Dak Bawan
New Delhi-100001.
SUB: Issue of instructions to Circles for utilizing the services of 25 officials of IP
Line/General Line as Sr. Postmaster.
REF: Postal Directorate No. 9-34/2011-SPG dated 05.08.2011.
Respected Madam,
Your goodself is well aware that there are 866 posts of PS Group ‘B’ including 116 posts of Sr. Postmaster. 75% posts (649) of PS Group ‘B’ are earmarked for promotion through DPC of IP Line officials. Remaining 25% posts (217) are earmarked for promotion through examination as under:-
IP Line 19% 165
General Line 6% 52
After introduction of Postmaster cadre, 29 posts out of 52 posts in PS Group “B” have been ear marked to Sr. PM Grade in PM Cadre. Hence, the share of General Line officials in PS Group ‘B’ comes to 23 only.
162 officials of IP Line are already working in PS Group ‘B’ cadre against 165 posts and 27 officials of General Line are working in PS Group ‘B’ against 23 posts. Now, on introduction of Postmaster cadre, there are practically only 3 vacancies for IP line officials in PS Group ‘B’ cadre and 4 officials of General Line are in excess in PS Group ‘B’.
In view of above facts, it is requested that instructions may kindly be issued to all concerned Circles to post General Line officials against the posts of Sr. Postmaster and not against the posts of PS Group ‘B’ in the interest of natural justice and to avoid litigation in this regard.
Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary
Update on CAT Case on GP of IPs
GS Desk ---Meeting with the Secretary (Posts) on 11-08-2011
Today (11/8/2011), the Secretary (Posts) took meeting with our Association at 15:00 Hrs. I alongwith Shri Dinesh Khare, President, Shri Ajit Kumar, C.S. Kerala and Shri Rajdeo Prasad, C.S.Bihar attended the meeting. All items included in our Charter of Demands were discussed in detail. View of the Secretary (Posts) was positive towards our demands.
Official minutes of the meeting will be published on the blog on the receipt of the same from the Department. The Secretary (Posts) informed that upgradation of Grade Pay of IP from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 will be only possible after merger of the post of IP and ASP. The Secretary (Posts) also assured us that a committee will be constituted for restructuring of IP cadre. The Secretary (Posts) agreed to examine the issue of supply of Laptop to all IPs / ASPs other than Sub Divisional Heads.
She directed the DDG(P) / Director(SPN) to discuss the issue of quota of IP Line in PS Group "B" examination on introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing. Accordingly, matter was discussed in the chamber of the DDG(P) but could not be resolved.
Roop Chand
General Secretary
Govt not raising retirement age of its employees
"At present there is no proposal to increase the age of retirement of Government servants," Minister of State for Finance Namo Narain Meena said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha
He said this in reply to a query on whether the government was considering increasing the retirement age of all central government employees by two years to 62 years, from the current 60.
The government raised the retirement age of central government employees in 1998, when the age of superannuation was extended from 58 to 60 years.
Meena said the total number of Central Government employees as on March 1, 2010, was 32.24 lakh.
The total expenditure incurred by the government after the implementation of the recommendation of the 6th Pay Commission amounts to Rs 94,270.50 crore in the fiscal 2010-11. This was higher than Rs 78,111.20 crore incurred in 2009-10, Meena added.
The total expenditure incurred by the government on salaries and allowances of central government employees before the implementation of the 6th Pay Commission for the fiscal 2008-09 was Rs 61,362 crore, he said.
Introduction of Core Banking in POSB
Admissibility of Severance Amount to Gramin Dak Sevaks on Retirement, Death and on absorption on regular posts – Clarification regarding:
No. 6-31/2010-PE II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110116
Dated: 05.08.2011
All Chief Postmaster General
All Postmasters General
Director, Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad,
Director, Postal Training Centers,
All General Managers (Finance)/ Director of Accounts (Postal)
Sub: Admissibility of Severance Amount to Gramin Dak Sevaks on Retirement. Death and on absorption on regular posts – Clarification regarding
Attention of all concerned is invited to Annexure-III of this Directorate order No. 6-1/2009-PE.II dated 08.10.2009 containing details of existing and revised benefits under nature of benefit named 'Severance Amount'.
2. In this context, it is to clarify that the present benefit shown against Severance Amount also includes Severance Amount on absorption on regular posts payable @ Rs. 20000/- (Rs. Twenty thousand only) to an EDA (now called GDS) absorbed on regular basis against a departmental post after 15 years of continuous service as ED Agent (now called GDS) in the light of the common recommendation made by the GDS Committee in Para 14.14.1. Therefore, the revised benefit indicated against nature of benefit 'Severance Amount' is applicable not only on retirement/death but also on absorption against departmental posts @ Rs. 1500 for every completed year of service subject to maximum of Rs. 60000 with reduction in minimum eligibility to 10 years.
3. Therefore, the words "Severance Amount on retirement/death" may be taken as inserted on the top as headline above the existing para under present benefits against 'Severance Amount' starting with "A lump sum severance amount and ending with amount paid is Rs. 20000." Below this para, a new headline as "Severance Amount on absorption on regular posts" & a para beneath it starting as "Severance amount of Rs. 20000 (Rs. Twenty thousand only) is paid on absorption on regular basis against a departmental post after 15 years of continuous service" may also be taken as inserted & accordingly the Annexure III to this Directorate Order No. 6-1/2009-PE II dated 09 Oct 2009 may be taken as amended. Revised Annexure III to this Directorate Order ibid is appended below:-
Nature of Benefit | Present Benefits | Revised Benefits |
Ex-gratia Gratuity | Granted at the rate of half months basis TRCA drown immediately before discharge of service for each completed year of service subject to maximum of Rs. 18000 or 16.5 months basic TRCA last drawn whichever is less. Minimum service prescribed is 10 years | Continuance of the existing formula for grant Ex-gratis Gratuity subject to a maximum of Rs. 60000. |
Severance Amount | Severance Amount on retirement/death A lump sum severance amount of Rs. 30000/- is paid on discharge provided a GDS has completed 20 years of continuous service. In case of a GDS completing 15 years of service but less than 20 years of continuous service the severance amount paid is Rs. 20000 Severance Amount on absorption on regular post Severance amount of Rs. 20000 (Rs. Twenty thousand only) is paid on absorption on regular basis against a departmental post after 15 years of continuous service | Severance amount shall be paid at the rate of Rs. 1500 for every completed year of service subject to a maximum of Rs. 60000 with reduction in minimum eligibility period to 10 years. |
3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned. This has the approval of the competent authority.
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS)
Transfer in ASP cadre in Mumbai Region.
PMG Mumbai Region has issued the following transfer order in ASP Cadre.
1. Shri Yadagiri G. Nyalapelli, ASP (PG) , RO Mumbai to be ASP (HQ) Mumbai City East Division.
2.Shri Rupesh J. Sonawale, ASP, Mumbai GPO attached to RO Mumbai to be ASP (Inv.) RO, Mumbai.
3. Shri Ghashyam P. Palsule, ASP (HQ) Mumbai City North East Division attached to RO Mumbai to be ASP (Estt/Mails) RO, Mumbai.
Transfer/posting of officers of PS Group "B" cadre
Postal Directorate has issued following transfers/postings in Postal Service Group "B" grade vide No. 9-3/2011-SPG Dated 03.08.2011.
S No. | Name of the officer(S/Shri) | Circle of Present Posting | Circle Allotted on Transfer |
1. | K. Sathimoorthy | Kerala | Tamilnadu |
2. | S. Ravi | Postal Directorate | Tamilnadu |
3. | M. Mustafa | Kerala | Tamilnadu |
4. | L. Amlachandran | Kerala | Tamilnadu |
5. | T.Selvaraj | A.P. | Tamilnadu |
6. | R.Thiraviraj | A.P. | Tamilnadu |
7. | S. Grururajan | A.P. | Tamilnadu |
8. | V.Balaraman | A.P. | Tamilnadu |
The above mentioned officers will be relieved only after their relievers will join their posts.
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